I'm making a booty call....it needs to be answered.
I messed my sleep pattern due to the other nights outing. I shall began to get comfortably sleepy by 4am.
I did giggle awhole lot, and slap this guy Matt countless of times.
It was grand. I already started missing that face. Some eyes can be so mesmerizing.
I messed my sleep pattern due to the other nights outing. I shall began to get comfortably sleepy by 4am.

I did giggle awhole lot, and slap this guy Matt countless of times.
It was grand. I already started missing that face. Some eyes can be so mesmerizing.
(please say it's not a gift basket from Bed Bath & Beyond... cuz i have a few too many of those!)
ya know, we could've done all this much faster over AIM: pjsperanz2