2005 was bittersweet.
From losing my uncle whom I just had the pleasure of meeting 2 years ago. 3 false alarms in the dating scene, all chumps. A 2nd go with ex fiancee, which lasted few days and it was just not meant to be. Toasting my back on the 4th of July because I forgot to put sunscreen on my other half of back which was covered. Having all of us together for the holiday. Meeting my surgeon who mended my broken heart.( cute aint it? ) I'm just finally happy with the way things are going. Just hope next year will be tranquil.
From losing my uncle whom I just had the pleasure of meeting 2 years ago. 3 false alarms in the dating scene, all chumps. A 2nd go with ex fiancee, which lasted few days and it was just not meant to be. Toasting my back on the 4th of July because I forgot to put sunscreen on my other half of back which was covered. Having all of us together for the holiday. Meeting my surgeon who mended my broken heart.( cute aint it? ) I'm just finally happy with the way things are going. Just hope next year will be tranquil.
Thanks for the birthday message!! Happy New Year!!!!!

U Go Be Good in 2006..I am sure the karma will turn around and make it better for you and your lovely self...