I think I mentioned a while back that i've been doing some promotional work for my Black belt gym. This was a video I shot and edited of a Seminar with Pro cage Fighter Jack Magee. He is awesome and I learned so much, too bad I pulled a ligament in my elbow so I've been out of training a week. So instead i've been writing a dirty novel in the same vain as Baise-Moi out of frustration and intrigue. Once that's finished I was thinking of getting an artist to turn it into a graphic novel, but thats a pipe dream.
I've fallen out of a regular exercise program which is a shame, but I'm really happy with the way a look at the moment so its all gravy.
I think I'm going to give up singing too and focus on animation work. I've bought a Nikon D7000 and going to start stop motion animations soon as.
Hope everyone is good, I'll try and get back into blogging.
Royal wedding was awesome. Made me feel really lonely tho.