hey guys. its been a few days and im sooooo soorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy i didnt make it ito the tattoo convention...incase anyone was hoping id be there. i had to go to san diego and look at property again. thats right. im moving to S.D. i actually just put an offer in and i should be hearing back by tomarrow if i got the place. its six blocks to the beach so im stoked!! i had to drive there and back so i was super exhausted so sorry for kinda laggin on my end. lets see.......ive met some great people in the area. mostly boys. all the chix seem fake to me but i guess i just cant see past the boobies and tans. i wont lie most of them are gorgeous. i almost wanted to go in a tanning booth!! i know. that would be so lame. i like my pale skin. it suits me. um lets see....also i looked for jobs. i found some promising places that loved my tattoos and said they cant wait for me to move there so io cant start applying. hmmm......there are some other things. i am getting a new addition to the family. NO IM NOT PREGNANT!! thank god. i decided that my doggy is to lonely so im going to get him a friend!! a mini bull dog. she is gorgeous and only 1100 dollars. that way we wont feel so bad leaving him home alone all day. i want to boys but i dont know how they will act.plus the names i want were more gender specific but whatever. it will build character!! lets see.....oh im finally doing ok with being single, although i havent gone on a date one on one i have met a few people that im sure will help me cloud my memory. not saying that i want a relationship! just someone to help me pass the time. we will see. i dont go back there for 3 weeks so who knows. im just more excited about starting school in the fall and getting a job. i want to work work work. and go to the beach ofcourse. well lovelys im going to go. i will talk later!! ciao.
Good luck sweetie! Put some pictures up of the dog.
Ill always be careful! Cankles sounds so cute. I want a bulldog but I can't have one so give extra love for me.