IM FREAKING OUT!! omg omg omg omg omg omg. so this weekend is going to be so action pact i think i might have to drink an ODOULS and chill the fuck out. so heres the scoop. tomarrow is the begining of a huge weekend bonanza. starting at six we are having a biirthday dinner for muah. then after we are going to a party. which is something i kinda have trouble with so if i need a sober pal to talk to i might call. then saturday we are all going out on the boat. then DUN DUN going bowling with some friends. wierd, i havent gone bowling in forever. the last time it was a disaster!! so yeah. thats not the most stressful part. its with a boy!! i met a new boy. i dont even want to fucking date but allllllllllllllllllllllllllll of my friends are like, you need to go out. you need to get over carl. your need to blah blah blah. so i made the date but i have a feeling im not going to keep it unles i can convince my friends to come along. the only reason why is because im not ready to date!! and the reason why i KNOW this is because i also have plans with the ex this weekend. he is making me dinner on sunday for my birthday. and to be honest, besides the dinner and party, i could careless about saturday. i cant stop thinking about SUNDAY> and no its not because i want to fuck him or kiss him or even lay with him, i just miss hanging out with him. i miss crackin jokes and farting infront of him!! i know that sounds gross but i just miss my best friend. so i dunno. im prob gunna be super busy so ill let you guys know how my weekend goes on monday. WOOOOHOOOOO. ill be 22 on MONDAY. this year has gone by so fast. i just cant wait for this weeknd. i cant wait for sunday. i cant wait to start my new year sober and with the friends that i love and cherish more then anything in the world, besides my daughter of course!!
and the video for the day is.......
and the video for the day is.......
Happy birthday!