SOOOOOOO i totally got up this morning to go to my first DUI class. i took my daughter to her daycare and then proceeded over to starbucks for a triple shot espresso blended into my carmel frapp!! so then i go and walk into my class, come to find out it was just the intial interview. so im totally wired on CAFFEINE, and my thingy only took like a half an hour. LAMEEEEEEE!! so i came home and decided to deep clean the casa. i felt like i was on crack. so yeah like 8 laundry loads later. i picked up my daughter and made dinner. now im off to bed. i know this was the most boring blog ever but i just wanted to say good night to all of my good friends!!
p.s. someone got a gift from me today. i hope it put a smile on ur face. you deserved it. 123 A&F.
p.s. someone got a gift from me today. i hope it put a smile on ur face. you deserved it. 123 A&F.

Its cleaning day for us around here too, and laundry day, and recycling day and hockey day. UGH!