Unbelievable what happened in Newtown
As I heard this on news I simply could not believe what I hear.
How can one person take the right to decide about life and death and kill so many innocent people within minutes ?
Again all I can say is, I cant understand it nor can I explain it to me.
I love little children, my sister has four, my brother has one who is only three months old and I could not even dare to give a light slap to one of them as they are all sweet,cute and lovely
I keep all of you who lost their loved ones in my mind and in my prayers, together we are strong in these hard times.
We shall not forget and I truly will not forget as sadly this incident occured during christmas time, a time to celebrate with family and the loved ones
Speaking about christmas, what about christmas presents ?
Im still not finished yet and I really hope Im going to have everything together right tomorrow.
The last present I ordered for my mother is a sweet collection of Nuremberg gingerbread
I love it and I know she will love it, too
Besides that, Im still thinking about my tattoo motif on the chest.
I think its going to be some beautiful angel wings spread on the chest and in the middle of them a beautiful angel face like in one of these pictures:
I wish all of you a great weekend and a wonderful christmas time

As I heard this on news I simply could not believe what I hear.
How can one person take the right to decide about life and death and kill so many innocent people within minutes ?
Again all I can say is, I cant understand it nor can I explain it to me.
I love little children, my sister has four, my brother has one who is only three months old and I could not even dare to give a light slap to one of them as they are all sweet,cute and lovely

I keep all of you who lost their loved ones in my mind and in my prayers, together we are strong in these hard times.

We shall not forget and I truly will not forget as sadly this incident occured during christmas time, a time to celebrate with family and the loved ones

Speaking about christmas, what about christmas presents ?
Im still not finished yet and I really hope Im going to have everything together right tomorrow.
The last present I ordered for my mother is a sweet collection of Nuremberg gingerbread

Besides that, Im still thinking about my tattoo motif on the chest.
I think its going to be some beautiful angel wings spread on the chest and in the middle of them a beautiful angel face like in one of these pictures:

I wish all of you a great weekend and a wonderful christmas time