Hello everyone 
Hope everyone of you feels good.
Weve nearly come to the end of the week and its finally Friday tomorrow which means WEEKEND
Just a few minutes ago I came back from my local gym and it was a great gym session again.
Today I was working out the triceps and it burns totally right now.....no pain no gain is all I can say.
Tomorrow Im going to train my shoulders and Im adding some "high intensity intervall training" to burn some fat.
So as some of you may have already read in the other blogs Im thinking about getting a tattoo on the chest.
As I was thinking about a motive my first thought was about getting some nice wings spread across the chest.
In the middle of the chest should be a heart, either a normal one or the sacred heart.
Right under the chest Id like to add a kind of banderole which states: SEMPER FIDELIS
Heres a little montage of some of the motives.
Wish you a great day and even a better weekend.
Have fun and enjoy it

Hope everyone of you feels good.
Weve nearly come to the end of the week and its finally Friday tomorrow which means WEEKEND

Just a few minutes ago I came back from my local gym and it was a great gym session again.
Today I was working out the triceps and it burns totally right now.....no pain no gain is all I can say.
Tomorrow Im going to train my shoulders and Im adding some "high intensity intervall training" to burn some fat.
So as some of you may have already read in the other blogs Im thinking about getting a tattoo on the chest.
As I was thinking about a motive my first thought was about getting some nice wings spread across the chest.
In the middle of the chest should be a heart, either a normal one or the sacred heart.
Right under the chest Id like to add a kind of banderole which states: SEMPER FIDELIS
Heres a little montage of some of the motives.
Wish you a great day and even a better weekend.
Have fun and enjoy it