Hi everyone
How is your weekend going ?
Actually Im not going to do much on Saturday as nothing is taking place in my city or around my city.
I suppose its going to be a nice evening with watching some horror movies.
While mentioning horror movies ? Please dont forget to recommend me one, that would be sweet.
The last movie I watched was " I spit on your grave and it shockey me totally
I know its just a movie but what took place in that movie occurs a lot in the world and I just cant imagine the pain and suffer the victims have to carry with them each day forward
Its hard to believe that some people are able to do so
How can they treat someone in that way showing no respect and no empathy. Even though everyone of us is human I often ask myself whether those gruesome people are too or not
Time to change the topic.
So lately I was thinking a lot about getting a sweet chestpiece.
On some days Im totally motivated and Im telling myself its going to be so great looking while on other days Im sometimes not even thinking about it.
My idea would be something in the direction of wings combined with the sacred heart. It was the very first idea which came into my mind and while writing this Im looking down my chest saying sadly: I still dont have it.
Tell me your view about it as I think it will truly help me out in this decision.
Thank you very much for reading and have a wonderful weekend everyone

How is your weekend going ?
Actually Im not going to do much on Saturday as nothing is taking place in my city or around my city.
I suppose its going to be a nice evening with watching some horror movies.
While mentioning horror movies ? Please dont forget to recommend me one, that would be sweet.
The last movie I watched was " I spit on your grave and it shockey me totally

I know its just a movie but what took place in that movie occurs a lot in the world and I just cant imagine the pain and suffer the victims have to carry with them each day forward

Its hard to believe that some people are able to do so

Time to change the topic.
So lately I was thinking a lot about getting a sweet chestpiece.
On some days Im totally motivated and Im telling myself its going to be so great looking while on other days Im sometimes not even thinking about it.
My idea would be something in the direction of wings combined with the sacred heart. It was the very first idea which came into my mind and while writing this Im looking down my chest saying sadly: I still dont have it.
Tell me your view about it as I think it will truly help me out in this decision.
Thank you very much for reading and have a wonderful weekend everyone


I love chestpieces! But better think propper what you want to have there!! It is a cool place for a tattoo and you can do lots of great stuff!
I don't want to be rude but the idea of the heart and the winds is a little bit worn out... When I think a little bit there are at least ten people coming to my mind who wear that in their chest...
Nevertheless, if you make it in a different and interesting style and it means a lot to you then it might be fine!!!
Do you already have tattoos??
But instead of writing in English fange ich jetzt einfach mal in deutsch an
Also die Kombination von dem Dress und den Haaren finde ich klasse, daraus muss einfach was werden.
War gleich mein erster Gedanke, als ich deinen Blog gelesen habe
Auerdem muss ich dir schon zustimmen. Bis jetzt habe ich noch kein Tattoo, aber mit dem Gedanken auf die Brust spiele ich schon lnger rum.
Mit der Motivauswahl ist es tatschlich nicht einfach und ich kann total nachvollziehen wenn du sagst, dass es a little bit worn out ist. Ich meine, so ein Motiv haben tatschlich viele.
Ich wrde gerne das Motiv religis "Anhauchen" und in diesem Zusammenhang kam mir automatisch der Gedanke an Wings und das sacred heart (heiligste Herz).
Hier mal ein Foto vom heiligsten Herz, damit man es sich besser vorstellen kann
Daran anschlieen vielleicht noch ein Spruchband mit einem Bibelzitat, was von einem Flgelende zum anderen geht.
Ich werde mir einiges durch den Kopf gehen lassen.