I wish I could be one of those girls who just doesn't care. The kind that only waste their energy on things that affect them. Unfortunately, I am not that person. I take everything that happens in my life to heart. I'll over analyze, rethink and dwell on things until they make sense. I will wonder if maybe i said sOmething or did something a bit different if things would turn out better. In the meantime I miss out on things that could have a positive effect on me and my life. When it comes down to it, I can't change other people's actions or how others perceive and react to them. All I can do is be a good person and hope that will be taken into consideration when my character comes under fire.
Smile on, your eyes are amazingly engaging, and I only say your pic a few minutes ago on the members page.
With that power, you will always have a degree of control, even if it doesn't feel like it.
Cheers, a stranger