Tons of new pics from the last month. It's been pretty hectic here with school....lots of school. I never thought 15 hours of Statistics a week could drain me so much. This is Magoo, my blind puppy.
And my asshole cat Blackula that likes to steal toys from a dog who can't see. Nice.
My friends and I took a surprise roadtrip to Vegas for my birthday. I learned how o play craps and blackjack, after an hour long lap dance at Scores. Happy birthday to me!
My brother form another mother.
Who also decided to see if the guy at the Burger King drive thru would notice him on the roof of the car-he didn't.
My best friend, Tina from Delaware came to visit we went to the Queen Mary.
Then just me.
I'm shooting a new set this weekend, I've put alot of work into the props for it, keep your fingers crossed, its sure to be badass. I start school full time soon, plus I am looking into getting a job. so there might not be many posts in the next few months. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Be careful,take care.

And my asshole cat Blackula that likes to steal toys from a dog who can't see. Nice.

My friends and I took a surprise roadtrip to Vegas for my birthday. I learned how o play craps and blackjack, after an hour long lap dance at Scores. Happy birthday to me!

My brother form another mother.

Who also decided to see if the guy at the Burger King drive thru would notice him on the roof of the car-he didn't.

My best friend, Tina from Delaware came to visit we went to the Queen Mary.

Then just me.

I'm shooting a new set this weekend, I've put alot of work into the props for it, keep your fingers crossed, its sure to be badass. I start school full time soon, plus I am looking into getting a job. so there might not be many posts in the next few months. Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Be careful,take care.

as to your question on why im not a sg yet?
im in the process, i just want to make sure it would be a good decision for me to join the army .. i just dont want to jump into it , so im asking my friends questions that are already SG's and im just doing it one step at a time