And once again it's been yonks since i last posted. Sorry about that. Of course, you are all on the edge of your seats waiting for the next update.
So me and tom went to dubai and it went off without a hitch, which was wonderful. Was really lovely to be back for a bit and have a family xmas etc. I get sad at xmas now though cuz it's never as exciting as it was when I was little. I still get all excited but not on the verge of throwing up anymore. Which sucks. I got my wonderful drum kit from tom before we went and then some lovely little presents on xmas day. He got me this huge tray of beads which I LOVE. It was just like one I got when I was little. The beads are really cool. They're really emo. I've been being a child again and making necklaces and bracelets etc out of them..loving it
I used some of the money I got off my parents to get a DS lite. It's now my baby. It's one of the pink ones, I wanted a black one but they didn't have any and it was a really good deal so I got the pink one, it's ok really. I've got one of those flash card jobbies so I've got all the games I want now. My nintendog is bloody brilliant. He's a pug called Herbie. I've also got lots of games where you play a little animal and you have to go around collecting things, which pleases me.
I've handed in my notice at work - the camel's back is well and truly broken. I've got 4 weeks notice to work so I'm going to be job hunting quite fiercely during that time. Tom has no money at the moment and we're having to pay for our plane tickets for the summer hols (we're going to ibiza....oh yes
) so it looks like we won't be doing much for our anniversary or valentines day
Kinda disappointing but last year he cooked us a meal and we made my uni room look half decent and had candles and other such slushy things and it was lovely. Then we watched school of rock
Good night all round.
I'm getting some new tattoos, not sure exactly when though. I'm getting one on my hip and then some on my ribs. I've chosen the designs already and I want them NOW but..alas...I've sold my daytime soul to a bank so I have no time. The one on my hip is this little butterfly demon dude type thing. Very cute. And it's mouth looks..sorta like a penis. Very cute though. The one im getting on my ribs is going to be a few butterflies going in like an arc like..sorta under my boob. I shall post pics when they're done. I was just reading a board about rib tattoos, apparently they hurt like a bitch. My other 2 were fine, I quite like that kind of pain. I have to decide which place I'm gonna go to but both are in manc so I won't have to travel far if I decide to do it in a few sittings. I should be able to manage it though. I stick needles in myself all the time. I'm diabetic. Not a junkie.
Hmm..what else has happened...
Ooohh..we're getting a cat!! Tom's had one called Asterix for a few years now but it lives with his dad at the moment and his dad's always away at work so he's asked if we want him. Which we do. So I'm looking for some kinda rocky cat collar. I typed in 'emo cat collar' on ebay, no results. heh. Guess the market isn't big enough
If anyone knows anywhere that sells good cat things then let me know
Righty then, I'm going to either sleep or make more childish necklaces then go out to the ritz and have a stonking good time

So me and tom went to dubai and it went off without a hitch, which was wonderful. Was really lovely to be back for a bit and have a family xmas etc. I get sad at xmas now though cuz it's never as exciting as it was when I was little. I still get all excited but not on the verge of throwing up anymore. Which sucks. I got my wonderful drum kit from tom before we went and then some lovely little presents on xmas day. He got me this huge tray of beads which I LOVE. It was just like one I got when I was little. The beads are really cool. They're really emo. I've been being a child again and making necklaces and bracelets etc out of them..loving it

I used some of the money I got off my parents to get a DS lite. It's now my baby. It's one of the pink ones, I wanted a black one but they didn't have any and it was a really good deal so I got the pink one, it's ok really. I've got one of those flash card jobbies so I've got all the games I want now. My nintendog is bloody brilliant. He's a pug called Herbie. I've also got lots of games where you play a little animal and you have to go around collecting things, which pleases me.
I've handed in my notice at work - the camel's back is well and truly broken. I've got 4 weeks notice to work so I'm going to be job hunting quite fiercely during that time. Tom has no money at the moment and we're having to pay for our plane tickets for the summer hols (we're going to ibiza....oh yes

I'm getting some new tattoos, not sure exactly when though. I'm getting one on my hip and then some on my ribs. I've chosen the designs already and I want them NOW but..alas...I've sold my daytime soul to a bank so I have no time. The one on my hip is this little butterfly demon dude type thing. Very cute. And it's mouth looks..sorta like a penis. Very cute though. The one im getting on my ribs is going to be a few butterflies going in like an arc like..sorta under my boob. I shall post pics when they're done. I was just reading a board about rib tattoos, apparently they hurt like a bitch. My other 2 were fine, I quite like that kind of pain. I have to decide which place I'm gonna go to but both are in manc so I won't have to travel far if I decide to do it in a few sittings. I should be able to manage it though. I stick needles in myself all the time. I'm diabetic. Not a junkie.
Hmm..what else has happened...
Ooohh..we're getting a cat!! Tom's had one called Asterix for a few years now but it lives with his dad at the moment and his dad's always away at work so he's asked if we want him. Which we do. So I'm looking for some kinda rocky cat collar. I typed in 'emo cat collar' on ebay, no results. heh. Guess the market isn't big enough

Righty then, I'm going to either sleep or make more childish necklaces then go out to the ritz and have a stonking good time
