I've started my training, almost done a week of it now. Loving it
Unbelievably easy though. It's fun because there's like a different topic every few hours so it keeps me interested. Have got 100% on all my tests and had a good time on the computers today doing these assesment things. Everyone else took ages. How can people not be computer literate in this day and age? Honestly. heh
Haven't really done much else this week..been really tired from work. Went to see Borat last night. Friggin hilarious!! He's definitely got balls. The naked scene in the hotel will stick in my mind forever. Bit disturbing but wonderful. Never laughed so much at the cinema before
Apologies I still haven't taken any pics for the PSW boards or here. Ok so nobody's bothered
But still..I definitely intend to get a few taken. So..you know...watch this space. Guys? Hello? oh ok...i gettit
I did mean to go to the switching on of the xmas lights tonight in town but decided it wouldn't be worth fighting with the crowds. Will get wrapped up and go to the xmas market in a few weeks. Ooh how long now till I get my xmas present off tom? *has a look at pc calendar* 36 days!! woo!!
Right...going to watch lead balloon. Jack Dee amuses me.
p.s. tom's done the washing up after dinner...muppet has left the 2 dirty plates on the coffee table...his name is toole for more than two reasons

Haven't really done much else this week..been really tired from work. Went to see Borat last night. Friggin hilarious!! He's definitely got balls. The naked scene in the hotel will stick in my mind forever. Bit disturbing but wonderful. Never laughed so much at the cinema before

Apologies I still haven't taken any pics for the PSW boards or here. Ok so nobody's bothered

I did mean to go to the switching on of the xmas lights tonight in town but decided it wouldn't be worth fighting with the crowds. Will get wrapped up and go to the xmas market in a few weeks. Ooh how long now till I get my xmas present off tom? *has a look at pc calendar* 36 days!! woo!!
Right...going to watch lead balloon. Jack Dee amuses me.

p.s. tom's done the washing up after dinner...muppet has left the 2 dirty plates on the coffee table...his name is toole for more than two reasons

I thought Borat was brilliant too, very naughty though! Do you think any of it was scripted?