je suis rather fucked off with the attitude on some of the boards on here. I've found very few where new people don't get *hazed* by being completely slated whatever they say. There's one person that stands out more than anyone else and it's such a shame really. I always feel so sorry for the ppl who are being slagged off. Everyone on here was new at some point...chill the fuck out and stop being a dick.
*meh meh meh fuck off and find another site etc etc* so friggin predictable
I must say though..the PSW boards are absolutely lovely and by far the friendliest I've found so far. Nobody seems to be 3 miles above their station and I haven't yet met anyone on there that thinks they're queen/king of t'interweb.
rant over.
I'm quite happy with life atm. Except ikea. They still infuriate me. They have now given me a box of furniture parts that are all different colours. Thanks..wankers.
The oven is broken I think...smoke keeps billowing out of it..even when nothing is burning at all. Hmph. Stinks. Wish my spring rolls would hurry up and cook. Yum.
Am going to a cheese and wine thing at a friend's house tomorrow. He works in a deli so should have some nice cheeeese. S'all about the cheese. And the wine. Yum.
I saw this guy on crimewatch (taped it cuz i had to go to a friend's birthday thing, was lovely, lots of champagne cocktails) who I swear I recognise, but don't know where from. It said he has links with manchester too. Hmm. Maybe not, maybe he just looks like someone else. Speaking of tv, there's been a lot of good stuff on recently. Watching lead balloon at the moment (Jack Dee). Bloody brilliant. There was a scene where the maid person hadnt put the dishwasher on and she said it wasn't full. His response was "It doesn't have to be packed full to run. It's a dishwasher not easyjet". Hilarious. Though not for ppl who don't know who easyjet are. And the crimewatch comment won't mean much either.
I intend to get Tom (Toole) to take some pics of me to post on PSW. He says I'm not technically a PSW but I'm definitely not tiny and even though I've randomly lost weight recently I'm still not exactly petite!! I love my curves though. And they ARE curves. Not bloat. I do go to the gym etc and eat healthily. That annoys me, people saying they're curvy when they're just fat. Not that I think everyone should be stick thin. Far from it. But people can sometimes be at risk if they're unhealthy and think it's ok because they're *curvy*. That's just my opinion. Hardly gospel now is it?
So I start work on Monday at teh Halifax
I've been in to order my uniform and it's actually nowhere near as bad as I originally thought. It's just a dark navy blue suit with a lighter shirt. Very happy I won't be looking like a 1990 model car seat.
I won a prize for best dressed female at a halloween party. Was well chuffed
Went as morticia...long purple dress with huge sleeves and a 3ft long wig that kept getting attached to ppl. Didn't really put much effort into it but then all the other girls went as fairies or devils. Ooh..original.
Loving life at the moment
Lots of things to look forward to for this weekend and the next few months. Really enjoying autumn so far!!
*meh meh meh fuck off and find another site etc etc* so friggin predictable
I must say though..the PSW boards are absolutely lovely and by far the friendliest I've found so far. Nobody seems to be 3 miles above their station and I haven't yet met anyone on there that thinks they're queen/king of t'interweb.
rant over.
I'm quite happy with life atm. Except ikea. They still infuriate me. They have now given me a box of furniture parts that are all different colours. Thanks..wankers.
The oven is broken I think...smoke keeps billowing out of it..even when nothing is burning at all. Hmph. Stinks. Wish my spring rolls would hurry up and cook. Yum.
Am going to a cheese and wine thing at a friend's house tomorrow. He works in a deli so should have some nice cheeeese. S'all about the cheese. And the wine. Yum.
I saw this guy on crimewatch (taped it cuz i had to go to a friend's birthday thing, was lovely, lots of champagne cocktails) who I swear I recognise, but don't know where from. It said he has links with manchester too. Hmm. Maybe not, maybe he just looks like someone else. Speaking of tv, there's been a lot of good stuff on recently. Watching lead balloon at the moment (Jack Dee). Bloody brilliant. There was a scene where the maid person hadnt put the dishwasher on and she said it wasn't full. His response was "It doesn't have to be packed full to run. It's a dishwasher not easyjet". Hilarious. Though not for ppl who don't know who easyjet are. And the crimewatch comment won't mean much either.
I intend to get Tom (Toole) to take some pics of me to post on PSW. He says I'm not technically a PSW but I'm definitely not tiny and even though I've randomly lost weight recently I'm still not exactly petite!! I love my curves though. And they ARE curves. Not bloat. I do go to the gym etc and eat healthily. That annoys me, people saying they're curvy when they're just fat. Not that I think everyone should be stick thin. Far from it. But people can sometimes be at risk if they're unhealthy and think it's ok because they're *curvy*. That's just my opinion. Hardly gospel now is it?
So I start work on Monday at teh Halifax

I won a prize for best dressed female at a halloween party. Was well chuffed

Loving life at the moment

Yay for PSW pics! Your boyfriend is a lucky man ha ha!