so we've FINALLY moved into the apartment ( weeks ago) but it's still not all done. Bloody ikea don't have some of the furniture we want. Should get it in stock soon though. Or I'll burn them.
My grandad died last sunday
Got a call in the middle of the night. Very sad but it was over extremely quickly and he didn't suffer. He'd only been to the docs twice in his life with a complaint! He was irish so when I was out on monday I asked the dj (who knows me know) to play a flogging molly song as the last one. He promised he would then he didn't. So I went off in a huff, got very drunk and kept the neighbours up singing random irish songs and showtunes (he liked that kinda stuff..he was an opera singer). Funeral's on Monday. Tom'll get to meet all my mum's family, which is good, but not exactly the perfect situation. Apparently my gran's doing ok. Not entirely sure it's hit any of us yet.
Other news, I left my course at uni and am working this year then going back to do economics and finance. Have been offered a conditional position with Halifax so am waiting for them to check refs etc then I should be starting soon. Looking forward to that actually. Anyway, it's almost 7am and I have to get some sleep at some point! Bloody stupid cold.
My grandad died last sunday

Other news, I left my course at uni and am working this year then going back to do economics and finance. Have been offered a conditional position with Halifax so am waiting for them to check refs etc then I should be starting soon. Looking forward to that actually. Anyway, it's almost 7am and I have to get some sleep at some point! Bloody stupid cold.

Sorry to hear about your grandad. Sounds like he had a good time during his spell here tho, which makes it easier to celebrate his life.
hope the job works out too!
Uni eh? Always a choir, but I hope you get there someday.....