Time for a new post!
I graduated from Massage School a week ago today. It feels really good to actually have finished something. I know I have been pretty bad at it in the past. I would get scared of life and run away. I have a tendency to forget how strong I actually am. Luckily I never stay down, however many times I may have given up before I always get back up and try again. And this time, I finished!
I have one more big step before I can really start practicing, I have to take (and pass) the national certification exam. My exam is set for the 31st of this month. I took a few days off from studying after finishing, but have been studying for at least a few hours every day since the beginning of this week. It is a 150 question test and you need a 70% to pass. I took a full length practice test online on Monday and got a 71.3%. I'd like to get up in to the 80-90% range on the practice tests before I go in to take mine.
My mom and I have been talking about going on a trip together to celebrate graduating for a couple of months... well, we're doing it. And bigger and more exciting than I expected. We are going to the UK for three weeks. The last week we'll be staying at a timeshare in Devon and my father will be joining us, but for the first (slightly over) two weeks mom and I will be on our own to do whatever we want. We are flying in and out of London, renting a car three days after we get there for the remainder of the time, and are going to see what we can. We really want to see Scotland and Ireland. Mom because she has never been (I haven't either, I have never been to the UK, mom has been to England), me because I want to go to the places that have made knitting what they are. Yes, I am that much of a dork. I also have friends in Birmingham, Sheffield, and London that hopefully I will be able to see while we are there.
Yesterday was 11 months since George died. Last month would have been his 24th Birthday. We had a party at our house in his memory. I thought it would be really depressing, but it was actually really nice. A few friends of mine I hadn't seen in a really long time came to support me. We sat in my living room playing Apples to Apples and had a lot of fun.
My body has been doing some strange things. I haven't had a period since February. We are trying to figure out why. They are currently doing an amenorrhea panel, checking my hormone levels coming out of my anterior pituitary and thyroid. We aren't sure if I have stopped ovulating for some reason, and if I have if it is permanent or not. (Hopefully not, I don't want to be an infertile 26 year old).
Somehow my DVR erased the most recent episode of Doctor Who after I had only watched the first five minutes of it! This is no good! I had been looking forward to the Neil Gaiman episode for a long time!
Though, I will always love the 10th Doctor the best.

I graduated from Massage School a week ago today. It feels really good to actually have finished something. I know I have been pretty bad at it in the past. I would get scared of life and run away. I have a tendency to forget how strong I actually am. Luckily I never stay down, however many times I may have given up before I always get back up and try again. And this time, I finished!
I have one more big step before I can really start practicing, I have to take (and pass) the national certification exam. My exam is set for the 31st of this month. I took a few days off from studying after finishing, but have been studying for at least a few hours every day since the beginning of this week. It is a 150 question test and you need a 70% to pass. I took a full length practice test online on Monday and got a 71.3%. I'd like to get up in to the 80-90% range on the practice tests before I go in to take mine.
My mom and I have been talking about going on a trip together to celebrate graduating for a couple of months... well, we're doing it. And bigger and more exciting than I expected. We are going to the UK for three weeks. The last week we'll be staying at a timeshare in Devon and my father will be joining us, but for the first (slightly over) two weeks mom and I will be on our own to do whatever we want. We are flying in and out of London, renting a car three days after we get there for the remainder of the time, and are going to see what we can. We really want to see Scotland and Ireland. Mom because she has never been (I haven't either, I have never been to the UK, mom has been to England), me because I want to go to the places that have made knitting what they are. Yes, I am that much of a dork. I also have friends in Birmingham, Sheffield, and London that hopefully I will be able to see while we are there.
Yesterday was 11 months since George died. Last month would have been his 24th Birthday. We had a party at our house in his memory. I thought it would be really depressing, but it was actually really nice. A few friends of mine I hadn't seen in a really long time came to support me. We sat in my living room playing Apples to Apples and had a lot of fun.
My body has been doing some strange things. I haven't had a period since February. We are trying to figure out why. They are currently doing an amenorrhea panel, checking my hormone levels coming out of my anterior pituitary and thyroid. We aren't sure if I have stopped ovulating for some reason, and if I have if it is permanent or not. (Hopefully not, I don't want to be an infertile 26 year old).
Somehow my DVR erased the most recent episode of Doctor Who after I had only watched the first five minutes of it! This is no good! I had been looking forward to the Neil Gaiman episode for a long time!
Though, I will always love the 10th Doctor the best.

The trip to the UK looks like it's going to be a really good time and a really nice way to celebrate being done with school.