Why the fuck a duck is everyone I know getting married and starting to pump out babies? Or, you know, the other way around.
Part of me feels like I'm behind, not even being in a relationship, at least not being in something with the official "relationship" label and commitment that comes along with it. Or, you know, knocked up by some random guy who either I'll marry even though I don't like then divorce six months later or just not even bother with.
But most of me is like "what the hell?" We are so young. Live for awhile. Experience things. How likely is it that this person you've been with for all of six months to a year and a half is the person you'll be with for the rest of your life? And you know a good way to not get pregnant when you aren't ready to? Birth Control. There is also this thing called Plan B, in case of emergencies. It really shouldn't be that hard.
Part of me feels like I'm behind, not even being in a relationship, at least not being in something with the official "relationship" label and commitment that comes along with it. Or, you know, knocked up by some random guy who either I'll marry even though I don't like then divorce six months later or just not even bother with.
But most of me is like "what the hell?" We are so young. Live for awhile. Experience things. How likely is it that this person you've been with for all of six months to a year and a half is the person you'll be with for the rest of your life? And you know a good way to not get pregnant when you aren't ready to? Birth Control. There is also this thing called Plan B, in case of emergencies. It really shouldn't be that hard.
I know two couples that are engaged right now. For Tristan and Sara, I think it's perfect... they are just a really adorable couple, and they have been in a LDR between America and Canada for awhile... they just seem to be really good at compromising and I think it's right for them to marry this young, even though they have never lived together before. They are about our age.
The other is Helen and Patrick. They've been together for a long time, like 3 years or so, and they are poly. Helen is even younger than us (22 or 23, whereas Patrick is in his early 30's. I think they mainly got engaged because he wanted to settle down with someone and he wanted it to be her... I don't think she's ready for marriage, even though she is very mature and independent for her age, and has had a lot of opportunity to sow wild oats. Even though they have been living together, and I wish the best for them, I don't have quite as much faith that that one will last for as long.
Of course, neither couple is the sort to start popping kids this young, as far as I can tell.
But what can you do? We all just have to let friends and family make their own decisions, even if they seem like mistakes. Some people need to learn the hard way, even though it's hard to watch.
insanity would be MY theory!