After being turned down numerous times and leaving a spattering of messages on answering machines then proceeding to drive around by myself for awhile I ended up relenting and going to karaoke with Graham last night, even though I can't sing for shit.
We had this exchange via text.
Me: I'm trying to think of songs to do where I can hide how terrible my voice is.
Graham: That is what alcohol is for.
Me: I am not big on drinking. Unless I can potentially get sex out of it. It's like I'm a dude.
Graham: Lol. I <3 you.
Needless to say, he kept trying to buy me drinks all night. Which I managed to for the most part refuse. At the end of the night his friends kind of bombarded me with "you should have sex with him. He's tall and charming and funny and smart." It was kind of awkward. It is hard to answer the "if you weren't friends with him, would you find him attractive" question in front of someone you've known for ten years and pretty much think of as a sibling. I felt trapped, like no matter how I answered the question I'd end up insulting or embarrassing him. And honestly, I have no clue whether or not I'd like him if the situation were different. Luckily Jessi jumped in and saved the day, with a nice firm "guys, stop picking on her. I know she's hot and you two are in relationships so you can't think of her that way yourselves, but they've been friends too long for anything like that to happen." It diffused things, which was a relief. But I did go home feeling guilty, because while I know things are platonic on my end, I also know they aren't on his.
I wish relationships between males and females didn't get so complicated.
I got home at 3:30 planning on going right to sleep. I checked the computer what was supposed to be "quickly" before going to bed.
Instead I discovered my friend Felix was on facebook chat. We had literally been completely out of contact for a few years until he friend requested me a few days ago and have been commenting back and for since. So I said hi, to see if he was really there. And we ended up talking from 3:30 until 5:30. Even though he said he planned on getting off the computer and being asleep by 5:00. When we finally said our goodbyes I apologized for keeping him up, and he told me that actually he was in a much better mood than he had been earlier and thanked me for that.
It always feels really good to get in contact with people you haven't talked to in a long time. So I ended up falling asleep in a good mood.
This morning, or more accurately afternoon, I woke up to the sound of the pouring rain slapping up against my window and my cat Mr. Fred purring, head butting me, and whapping my face lightly with a paw. It was really pleasant. Except for the paw to the face. That was more mildly amusing than pleasant.
I stayed in bed for awhile longer listening to the rain slam against the windows, just enjoying the sound, until two red headed devil children stuck their head in my door saying "we were taking a walk, but then we got wet." So I got up, gave them bathrobes, put their clothes in the dryer, and played apples to apples with them for a few hours.
Oh the joys of having my family live walking distance from my house.
now I would like to further share with you my love of OK Go
Not breathing can cause you to die.
Dudes. BELLS. Srsly.
We had this exchange via text.
Me: I'm trying to think of songs to do where I can hide how terrible my voice is.
Graham: That is what alcohol is for.
Me: I am not big on drinking. Unless I can potentially get sex out of it. It's like I'm a dude.
Graham: Lol. I <3 you.
Needless to say, he kept trying to buy me drinks all night. Which I managed to for the most part refuse. At the end of the night his friends kind of bombarded me with "you should have sex with him. He's tall and charming and funny and smart." It was kind of awkward. It is hard to answer the "if you weren't friends with him, would you find him attractive" question in front of someone you've known for ten years and pretty much think of as a sibling. I felt trapped, like no matter how I answered the question I'd end up insulting or embarrassing him. And honestly, I have no clue whether or not I'd like him if the situation were different. Luckily Jessi jumped in and saved the day, with a nice firm "guys, stop picking on her. I know she's hot and you two are in relationships so you can't think of her that way yourselves, but they've been friends too long for anything like that to happen." It diffused things, which was a relief. But I did go home feeling guilty, because while I know things are platonic on my end, I also know they aren't on his.
I wish relationships between males and females didn't get so complicated.
I got home at 3:30 planning on going right to sleep. I checked the computer what was supposed to be "quickly" before going to bed.
Instead I discovered my friend Felix was on facebook chat. We had literally been completely out of contact for a few years until he friend requested me a few days ago and have been commenting back and for since. So I said hi, to see if he was really there. And we ended up talking from 3:30 until 5:30. Even though he said he planned on getting off the computer and being asleep by 5:00. When we finally said our goodbyes I apologized for keeping him up, and he told me that actually he was in a much better mood than he had been earlier and thanked me for that.
It always feels really good to get in contact with people you haven't talked to in a long time. So I ended up falling asleep in a good mood.
This morning, or more accurately afternoon, I woke up to the sound of the pouring rain slapping up against my window and my cat Mr. Fred purring, head butting me, and whapping my face lightly with a paw. It was really pleasant. Except for the paw to the face. That was more mildly amusing than pleasant.
I stayed in bed for awhile longer listening to the rain slam against the windows, just enjoying the sound, until two red headed devil children stuck their head in my door saying "we were taking a walk, but then we got wet." So I got up, gave them bathrobes, put their clothes in the dryer, and played apples to apples with them for a few hours.
Oh the joys of having my family live walking distance from my house.
now I would like to further share with you my love of OK Go
Not breathing can cause you to die.
Dudes. BELLS. Srsly.
Almost every platonic friendship between a man and woman has undercurrents of sexual tension. Especially the long term ones between singles. Once either party gets married then it's just the boring safe person (except for those fuckers that still troll for sex outside of a marriage
), but until then every guy friend a woman has is secretly trying to get in bed with them. Truth.

Having been on the other side of the coin (i.e., being thought of as just a friend but having feelings for a lady), it SUCKS. Seriously. None of us have a "friends
/more than friends
" feeling switch in our brains we can toggle on and off for a person at will. (At least I don't.) It's just part of life; someone is going to fall for you when you've not fallen for them, and you're going to fall for people who don't fall for you. I turned to alcohol a lot, but this can backfire unless I hide my cell phone first.