since obviously none of you are as big Top Chef geeks as I am, Hosea was the winner of last season of Top Chef, and thus why I was jealous.
Open letter to NBC-
Dear NBC,
According to your terribly annoying ads for Jay Leno's new show, the "reason" why you decided to give him his own show five nights a week is "that the fans demanded more comedy". If this is the case, why then did you in turn cancel or fuck over most of your comedic shows? My Name is Earl - gone. Life, while not a comedy was still one of the funniest shows on tv - gone. Chuck - fucked over. I don't particularly care about My Name is Earl, though a lot of friends really liked it, but Life and Chuck were two of my favorite shows on TV. I would much rather be watching them than Leno. And yes, I know Chuck is coming back... mid season for 13 episodes... seriously guys. Can you really expect a show like that to maintain an audience when there is a year break between episodes? So more than likely, this will be its last season.
You may not be as stupid as ABC, but I am pretty pissed.
P.S. The fact that Fox has the best prime time lineup on network TV right now really speaks to how much you other networks have truly been fucking up.
love that place SO much