Monday Jun 02, 2008 Jun 2, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email I'm such a dork. Sitting around watching Antiques Roadshow videos on YouTube when I should be doing school work. VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS cosi: I love that show so much! I procrastinated so badly this week that I was up until 3:30am preparing for my final this morning. Now I am dead tired. DEAD tired. Hope all is well! XOXO Jun 9, 2008 mandragora666: Hey girl!! It's like the 3rd time I'm tryoing to post on your journal!! Hadr ufff!! I want to thank you soo much for the comment about my boots!! I really them!! By the way your coloured hair looks good on yu!! Jun 12, 2008
Hope all is well! XOXO
It's like the 3rd time I'm tryoing to post on your journal!!
I want to thank you soo much for the comment about my boots!! I really
By the way your coloured hair looks good on yu!!