Back from Hilton Head.
Damn, it's cold in Virginia/Maryland. No good.
Got 500$ worth of clothing from express for 250$. Yay for clothing that fits! And cute clothing too! I love it when clothing I actually like is in style. It makes things so much easier. How did we do this? Shirts considered T-Shirts onsale for 12.50. A bunch of shirts that were normally 39.95 each, on sale for 39.95 each. Promotional sale where if you just try on a skirt (you didn't even have to buy one, though I got four), you got 15 dollars off any sale of 75$ or more. And for just that day there was a promotion where if you applied for an express credit card you got 35% off of your purchase. Your application didn't even have to go through, and you don't even have to use your card if it does, just for filling out the application you got 35% off of your entire purchase. We decided though that we are going to keep the card anyway, since it has no annual fee, etc., and since I buy pretty much all of my clothing at express anyway, the discount and points build up will be good. We will only use the card at express, and we will pay it off at the store whenever we make a purchase.
So, since we bought so much, the cashier bent the rules for us and rant us up twice, giving us the 15 dollar skirt discount twice, and the 35% off discount twice. Making it so that I payed 250 bucks for 500+ dollars worth of clothes. That = things that are awesome.
And I got all size 6! (and medium)! I wore a 12 a year ago, and for a brief period in june/july when I didn't have my medication or access to good food. Now, I'm a 6! For the first time since either 7th or 8th grade. It's so awesome.
This is what I think I got.. 4 or 5 skirts, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 tank tops, 2 t-shirts, 2 scoop neck shirts with elbow length sleeves, and a ribbed v-neck t that has a kind of twist under the bust. I think that is everything..
I also got a wireless Ipex bra for victorias secret. It is the most comfortable bra I have ever owned. I tried on the 34 D and C, and decided on the C because it gave me cleavage, even though the D literally fit me better. A girl wants cleavage sometimes.
Pictures of my new clothes will happen soon.
I hope that it gets warm here soon, so I can actually wear it.
I will be dying my hair black when I actually get back to my apartment. The super chlorinated swimming pool, heated to bathtub temperatures faded my newly re-dyed hair to a fairly light green. I'm out of the teal dye, and just happen to have some black in the house. I haven't gone black in awhile, and black hair will be much more appropriate for my Shocking set, which I will hopefully still be able to take before the deadline. Just under the wire probably.
Again, I will post pictures of the black, when it is dyed.
Alligators are cute.
Great blue Herons are stunning, as are snowy Egrets.
Savannah Georgia is perhaps the most beautiful city I have ever been to. I have decided that I want to write a book set there. Live there for a few months after I have graduated college while I write, rent out a room, and write. It's just stunning.
I also realized that I miss bike riding. I forgot that I was actually good at it. So I am going to see if I can bring my bike with me.
I am going to talk to the disability office at my school about helping me out with this semester, what concessions can be made to help me. This semester has just been so much harder, and since I am officially disabled there are a lot of steps that can be taken, which is a very good thing.
Also, since my co-pay for therapy is all of 7 dollars per session, I think it would be a good Idea for me to find a therapist in this area. Probably see them twice a week for awhile, perhaps Tuesday and Thursday mornings before class, to help me maintain a proper sleep schedule.
I need a new prescription already, even though this one is less than a year old. My vision has worsened significantly. I am going to see if I can go in tomorrow and get that done before we head back. My wonderful eye doctor finishes your glasses within 15 minutes to an hour after your appointment, and I believe they are open on Saturdays.
I am so blind that I have to really REALLY be tailgaiting the car in front of me in order to read its license plate, and I can't read most street signs until I have passed said street. This is with my glasses on.
Not a good thing.
Question of the day:
What was your first ever favourite book? My answer? The Secret Garden.
Damn, it's cold in Virginia/Maryland. No good.
Got 500$ worth of clothing from express for 250$. Yay for clothing that fits! And cute clothing too! I love it when clothing I actually like is in style. It makes things so much easier. How did we do this? Shirts considered T-Shirts onsale for 12.50. A bunch of shirts that were normally 39.95 each, on sale for 39.95 each. Promotional sale where if you just try on a skirt (you didn't even have to buy one, though I got four), you got 15 dollars off any sale of 75$ or more. And for just that day there was a promotion where if you applied for an express credit card you got 35% off of your purchase. Your application didn't even have to go through, and you don't even have to use your card if it does, just for filling out the application you got 35% off of your entire purchase. We decided though that we are going to keep the card anyway, since it has no annual fee, etc., and since I buy pretty much all of my clothing at express anyway, the discount and points build up will be good. We will only use the card at express, and we will pay it off at the store whenever we make a purchase.
So, since we bought so much, the cashier bent the rules for us and rant us up twice, giving us the 15 dollar skirt discount twice, and the 35% off discount twice. Making it so that I payed 250 bucks for 500+ dollars worth of clothes. That = things that are awesome.
And I got all size 6! (and medium)! I wore a 12 a year ago, and for a brief period in june/july when I didn't have my medication or access to good food. Now, I'm a 6! For the first time since either 7th or 8th grade. It's so awesome.
This is what I think I got.. 4 or 5 skirts, 2 pairs of shorts, 3 tank tops, 2 t-shirts, 2 scoop neck shirts with elbow length sleeves, and a ribbed v-neck t that has a kind of twist under the bust. I think that is everything..
I also got a wireless Ipex bra for victorias secret. It is the most comfortable bra I have ever owned. I tried on the 34 D and C, and decided on the C because it gave me cleavage, even though the D literally fit me better. A girl wants cleavage sometimes.
Pictures of my new clothes will happen soon.
I hope that it gets warm here soon, so I can actually wear it.
I will be dying my hair black when I actually get back to my apartment. The super chlorinated swimming pool, heated to bathtub temperatures faded my newly re-dyed hair to a fairly light green. I'm out of the teal dye, and just happen to have some black in the house. I haven't gone black in awhile, and black hair will be much more appropriate for my Shocking set, which I will hopefully still be able to take before the deadline. Just under the wire probably.
Again, I will post pictures of the black, when it is dyed.
Alligators are cute.
Great blue Herons are stunning, as are snowy Egrets.
Savannah Georgia is perhaps the most beautiful city I have ever been to. I have decided that I want to write a book set there. Live there for a few months after I have graduated college while I write, rent out a room, and write. It's just stunning.
I also realized that I miss bike riding. I forgot that I was actually good at it. So I am going to see if I can bring my bike with me.
I am going to talk to the disability office at my school about helping me out with this semester, what concessions can be made to help me. This semester has just been so much harder, and since I am officially disabled there are a lot of steps that can be taken, which is a very good thing.
Also, since my co-pay for therapy is all of 7 dollars per session, I think it would be a good Idea for me to find a therapist in this area. Probably see them twice a week for awhile, perhaps Tuesday and Thursday mornings before class, to help me maintain a proper sleep schedule.
I need a new prescription already, even though this one is less than a year old. My vision has worsened significantly. I am going to see if I can go in tomorrow and get that done before we head back. My wonderful eye doctor finishes your glasses within 15 minutes to an hour after your appointment, and I believe they are open on Saturdays.
I am so blind that I have to really REALLY be tailgaiting the car in front of me in order to read its license plate, and I can't read most street signs until I have passed said street. This is with my glasses on.
Not a good thing.
Question of the day:
What was your first ever favourite book? My answer? The Secret Garden.
That's always been one of my favorite things about my body.
That being said, I'd kill for that cute nose of yours!
Thanks doll, and I hope you have a good week!