Update 3/12 4:30pm
I'm finally going on a road trip in my new(used) car!
This is me, not counting driving up to Vermont with my mom. Since that wasn't actually a vacation, and was for the purpose of running an errand, I am considering that a chore. We only had one day to do what we wanted.
This drive is to go on vacation! It is to have fun! We can drive down at our own pace and have fun with the drive! I won't be in the car by myself!
My car is in perfect working order! For the first time since I bought it!
My family got a time share at a resort called Port O' Call on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The unit is two bedrooms, with a whirlpool/hot tub, three televisions with dvd players, washer and dryer, outdoor heated pool and hot tub, steam bath, sauna, beach access... so they invited my boyfriend and I. And decided that instead of leaving the froofy dog with my brother, they'd bring it with us and kennel her in a place close to the resort so we can take her out daily to go to the beach.
So tomorrow morning Shawn and I, along with the Froofinator are heading off. My parents decided they wanted a day longer with my brother, which means getting there after the check in time at the kennel. So they saddled us with the froofy dog, and leaving a day early. We are going to drive half way, or more, down tomorrow then stay the night in a hotel that allows dogs (or sneak her in) and do the rest of the drive Saturday morning.
I'm excited about truly trying out my 6 cd changer. Shawn and I are each picking out the three CDs that we want to start with.
Shawn keeps trying to claim that his 1 CD player, in the dash is better than my 6 CD changer in the trunk, because I have to pull over to change CDs.
Reasons this is not true.
A. It holds six CDs. A CD on average lasts 45 minutes to an hour. That means 4.5 to 6 hours of play time. How often do people go 4.5 to 6 hours without stopping? People do need to eat, pee, and get gas.
B. There is trunk access from the arm rest in the back seat of my car. I have short little arms and I have no problem reaching into the trunk and getting out the CDs. Thusly it should be a snap for anyone whose arms are any longer than mine. Which is 80% of the population.
C. If you are listening to a book on CD you can put the first 6 CDs into the changer in chronological order, and not have to switch every time a cd ends. Which could be awkward, or at a difficult point in your driving.
I think I win that argument.
Cool things!
There is a cute little bookstore down the street from me called Locust books. The kind that just stocks whatever they want. They also take 10% off the cover price all the time.
Well, they ALWAYS have an amazing selection of Mad Libs.
I collect Mad Libs, and I especially think they are a great thing to have during a road trip. So I went over there today to see if they had anything new, which they seem to every time I go.
Their selection today was amazing! And they were having a sale on kids books, 20% off, and they were including all Mad Libs as kids books. I ended up getting five.
Sleep Over Mad Libs
Family Tree Mad Libs
Road Trip Mad Libs
Advice for the Love Lorn Mad Libs
Whats Your Relationship IQ Mad Libs
I'm taking my computer with me, but I don't know if I will have internet access. If I don't, see you all in a little more than a week!
I have a really really super fun Idea for the March creative contest. Oh yes I do.
And I have someone to shoot it. He has shot a few sets for me before. My first ever rejected set four years ago, and one I didn't send in. Every time we shoot together, it gets better.
And since we have been told that the quality for the creative contest doesn't have to be up to SG standards, I am not as worried. Especially because I think my Idea is super strong.
I can't wait to shoot!
I'm finally going on a road trip in my new(used) car!
This is me, not counting driving up to Vermont with my mom. Since that wasn't actually a vacation, and was for the purpose of running an errand, I am considering that a chore. We only had one day to do what we wanted.
This drive is to go on vacation! It is to have fun! We can drive down at our own pace and have fun with the drive! I won't be in the car by myself!
My car is in perfect working order! For the first time since I bought it!
My family got a time share at a resort called Port O' Call on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. The unit is two bedrooms, with a whirlpool/hot tub, three televisions with dvd players, washer and dryer, outdoor heated pool and hot tub, steam bath, sauna, beach access... so they invited my boyfriend and I. And decided that instead of leaving the froofy dog with my brother, they'd bring it with us and kennel her in a place close to the resort so we can take her out daily to go to the beach.
So tomorrow morning Shawn and I, along with the Froofinator are heading off. My parents decided they wanted a day longer with my brother, which means getting there after the check in time at the kennel. So they saddled us with the froofy dog, and leaving a day early. We are going to drive half way, or more, down tomorrow then stay the night in a hotel that allows dogs (or sneak her in) and do the rest of the drive Saturday morning.
I'm excited about truly trying out my 6 cd changer. Shawn and I are each picking out the three CDs that we want to start with.
Shawn keeps trying to claim that his 1 CD player, in the dash is better than my 6 CD changer in the trunk, because I have to pull over to change CDs.
Reasons this is not true.
A. It holds six CDs. A CD on average lasts 45 minutes to an hour. That means 4.5 to 6 hours of play time. How often do people go 4.5 to 6 hours without stopping? People do need to eat, pee, and get gas.
B. There is trunk access from the arm rest in the back seat of my car. I have short little arms and I have no problem reaching into the trunk and getting out the CDs. Thusly it should be a snap for anyone whose arms are any longer than mine. Which is 80% of the population.
C. If you are listening to a book on CD you can put the first 6 CDs into the changer in chronological order, and not have to switch every time a cd ends. Which could be awkward, or at a difficult point in your driving.
I think I win that argument.
Cool things!
There is a cute little bookstore down the street from me called Locust books. The kind that just stocks whatever they want. They also take 10% off the cover price all the time.
Well, they ALWAYS have an amazing selection of Mad Libs.
I collect Mad Libs, and I especially think they are a great thing to have during a road trip. So I went over there today to see if they had anything new, which they seem to every time I go.
Their selection today was amazing! And they were having a sale on kids books, 20% off, and they were including all Mad Libs as kids books. I ended up getting five.
Sleep Over Mad Libs
Family Tree Mad Libs
Road Trip Mad Libs
Advice for the Love Lorn Mad Libs
Whats Your Relationship IQ Mad Libs
I'm taking my computer with me, but I don't know if I will have internet access. If I don't, see you all in a little more than a week!
I have a really really super fun Idea for the March creative contest. Oh yes I do.
And I have someone to shoot it. He has shot a few sets for me before. My first ever rejected set four years ago, and one I didn't send in. Every time we shoot together, it gets better.
And since we have been told that the quality for the creative contest doesn't have to be up to SG standards, I am not as worried. Especially because I think my Idea is super strong.
I can't wait to shoot!
P.S. You definitely win the argument!!!
If you can read this, that means I would really appreciate it if you were to check out my band, The Wrecktals! We just recorded a demo, and a couple tracks are up on MySpace, and then a track-or-two-that's-not-on-MySpace is on FaceBook.
We really wanna make friends with you! Seriously! That's one thing that a lot of bands hate... There's this nice fat fucking gap between fan and artist. Fuck that gap. Gaps need to be fucked. Fuck it! The Gap that is! So go there! And tell us what you think!
And if you are super-friendly and rad and awesome! You caaaan...
And again, please tell us what you think! And if you know anybody who likes their punk and ska and hardcore... Please pass the good word on!
Look! We're like Rancid! Can we have some street cred now?
This band is my baby. We are going to be successful (in terms of creating that feeling in someone's chest when they hear that song they love, not "successful" as in "money"). It's our dream and it's gonna happen through our own hard work and passion and love for radness!
But like I said, we have a demo out. You pay $4 and you get eight (wicked-quality) tracks that last almost half-an-hour, some sweet DIY eye-candy, and instant immortality/karma! That's right! Everyone who buys our demo will have their name immortalized somewhere on the next release! So make sure we know who you are! We want to thank each and every one of you who actually listened to us!
We're playing lots of rad underground shows and we support all of those who make music for the sake of creation and expression. I've been to every fucking band I can imagine within five-bajillion-miles of me, so the favour better be returned!
My name is Christoph, but most people call me Slut (short for PunkerSlut)... And you can call me Susan, if it makes you happy... But on behalf of The Wrecktals, thank you for your time! I hope you like us!
'Cause if you read all this, it means we already like you!
Live. Love. Unity.