Alright.. I want to post a blog .. not sure about what but I will figure it out as I go
So I started packing my shit to go to the Bahamas for a few weeks to see my sweety and my little weiner Tonka let me know just how he feels about this whole packing and leaving him for awhile..
Im not leaving for another week but Its funny how dogs know!! Plus the fact that I had to put his best friend Trucker to sleep 2 weeks ago due to a brain tumor, prob. doesnt help either..

On a better note.. on a better note.. I applyed for a paid Internship at Miami Seaquarium .. so keep your fingers crossed for me!! Plus I will be in the Bahamas in a week with my sweetheart, and Tonka will be with one of my best friends (who is also a Vet) and she has a dachshund also .. so Tonka will be soo spoiled rotten everyday!!
I need to update this blog more .. I miss SG ... I feel like I have been out of touch!!

So I started packing my shit to go to the Bahamas for a few weeks to see my sweety and my little weiner Tonka let me know just how he feels about this whole packing and leaving him for awhile..

Im not leaving for another week but Its funny how dogs know!! Plus the fact that I had to put his best friend Trucker to sleep 2 weeks ago due to a brain tumor, prob. doesnt help either..

On a better note.. on a better note.. I applyed for a paid Internship at Miami Seaquarium .. so keep your fingers crossed for me!! Plus I will be in the Bahamas in a week with my sweetheart, and Tonka will be with one of my best friends (who is also a Vet) and she has a dachshund also .. so Tonka will be soo spoiled rotten everyday!!
I need to update this blog more .. I miss SG ... I feel like I have been out of touch!!


That show wouldn't make it today, I guess that was filmed in a time when it was ok to oppress women.