Hello all .. how is everyone doing, unfortunately i haven't been on as much as i would like due to the lack of internet in our house LOL.... thats okay though !! so HAPPPPPYYY CHRISTMAS EVE bitches ... i will be shooting my set soon everyone is fucking sick ... it BLOWS ... we rescued a kitty cat that was almost dead from being frozen in the snow ... it was a stray and came into the vet hospital i work at pretty much dead and frozen to the ground .. no one wanted her once we got her back to life since she was old so we took her ... her paws nose and ears were really frost bitten .. she lost part of her nose last night and we are expecting her to lose most of her ears and toes soon ... shes cute anyways .. i lll post some pictures her name is Cryo like cryogenics because we dethawed her and brought her back to life ... shes sooooo sweet!! alrighty bitches xoxxoxoxox to all ciao

Happy Holidays! 

Your doing a great thing for that cat