FUCK YEAH ITS PRIDE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just incase some of you didnt know its san diego pride this weekend and i cant wait. ive been waiting a whole year for this weekend. to start my weekend off on friday night im going out to a few clubs which is going to be a blast cause there is going to be a shit load of people there. then on saturday im going to the parade, which i love watching cause there is always crazy shit going on. then after that its off to the festival
there is always something going on there so it should be fun but the only shitty part is my girlfriend will not be there cause she has to go out of town for her bestfriends wedding
but thats cool i understand. if she didnt go her friend would be pissed and thats not cool. so im just going to pride with some friends it will still be fun but it would be more fun if she was there but i guess you cant have your cake and eat it to all the time. my brother was suppose to go but the fucker hasnt called me back
whatever this will be the first year that i didnt go to pride with him. hes probably not talking to me cause he owes me money. i think thats the reason why someone else isnt talking to me but whatever thats what i get for helping out a friend but you learn from your mistakes.... right. ok time to get out of that converstation and back to the good news. its my girlfriends (which by the way her name is lisa) birthday today
but she really had a birthday week with going out with family and hanging out with me we even opened up her presents early but only because she leaves around 10 in the morning on friday the same day as her birthday. then shes gone for a week
that week better go by fast. then i have more exciting news at the end of august were going to the river
i cant wait were staying at a house that her family has out there. i havent been to the river in like a year so its going to be sooo nice. then in sept. were going to VEGAS BABY!!
thats going to be a blast. oh yeah and my birthday is coming up to
but im not happy about that one. ok well its bed time i hope everyone has a good weekend and dont drink to much (or atleast try not to)

just incase some of you didnt know its san diego pride this weekend and i cant wait. ive been waiting a whole year for this weekend. to start my weekend off on friday night im going out to a few clubs which is going to be a blast cause there is going to be a shit load of people there. then on saturday im going to the parade, which i love watching cause there is always crazy shit going on. then after that its off to the festival

Happy Birthday!
Hope you have a happy birthday.