what up people long time no talk to. lets see what to tell you first alot of stuff has happened ok last week i had the best weekend cause on sunday i went to gay pride in long beach OMFG it was so much fun. i left my house at about 9 in the morning and drove all the way down to long beach which didnt take that long then as soon as i got to long beach you could tell pride was going on cause there was soooo many hot women around. there were so many people it was crazy and the weather was fucking beauitful and the music was loud it was great i got so trashed i couldnt even drive home. it was so much fun i cant wait untill pride in san diego. of course ive been going out every weekend but ive been helping my friend out by promoting the club that she gogo dances at. so thats been fun cause not only do i get into clubs for free and a discount on drinks and also make about 50 bucks to hand out flyers for an hour and a half but the best thing i get to watch a hot girl dance on a box and take pictures of it.
then another fucking great thing is that im going to VEGAS BABY
next weekend and i cant wait but fuck its going to be so hot out there and hopefully my best and hottest friend Committed is going to go. the past three weeks have been nuts not only with pride and getting ready for vegas but some other stuff also with friends and me being fucking crazy at work. ive done a few over nighters which sucks
but hey money is money and i need it. well i hope everyone has been behaving themselfs
well have a good rest of the week and see you all when i get back from vegas hopefully i have some stories for you shit what am i talking about its vegas of course ill have storys

You're as gone from here as I am