well its now 2005 and so far the year sucks
ok here it goes on new years eve im at work and its suppose to be my last day at target cause i was going to work full time at submarina but on my break i get this call from my boss at submarina and shes telling me that her partner has bought her out and he wants to take over the shop and i guess he fired almost everyone that she had hired and that she didnt know for sure what was going to happen to me. so i get back to work at target and lucky i saw this lady who takes care of hiring and firing people so she came up to me and asked me "are you sure you want to leave" and i told her "no i dont i change my mind" so i start to talk to her and i get my job back at target, lucky they didnt start any paperwork so i could still have my job. so lucky i still have my job at target but i dont know if i can just have one job cause im not sure if they can work me enough but well see how it goes. if it doesnt work then im going to have to look for a second job. so that was my day so now im not sure if i should go to my other job at submarina cause i was suppose to work there on sunday from 9 to 2 but if im just going to get fired then why bother. so the night came around and i ended up going to my brothers bf house for a new years eve party. it was cool there were a shit load of people there. i dont think i went to bed untill 4 in the morning. then on saturday i slept most of the day then i had to go to target to figure out what my week was going to look like since im back to that job. then today i woke up at 8 wondering on if im going to go to submarina to work but i just couldnt get up and i just didnt care. so yeah now i know for sure that i dont have that job but oh well everything happens for a reason (at least thats what my mom tells me)so its now sunday and i still dont know what time i work at target for next week i probably wont know untill tomorrow. so now im just in limbo. well that was my new years weekend it didnt go like i thought it would but then again nothing ever does go the way i think its going to. well i hope everyone else had a good weekend and hopefully ill chat with you all later

what's a Submarina? I can assume, but that makes an ass out of . . . well, me at least.