hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!! well i hope everyone had a good christmas. mine wasnt to bad i got a lot of cool stuff. lets see i got sheets for my bed (flannel
), i got my car fixed that was my big present from my mom, i got gift cards for everywhere, i got new shirts which is cool cause i needed new ones, i got new sunglasses cause mine got stolen out of my car along with my radio and my system
yeah i never told you guys my car got broken into, again. a few weeks ago i was going out to my car to go to work its was in the morning and everything on the outside of my car looked normal so i unlocked my door and i noticed that my glove box was open but i figured that i just left it open or i didnt close it all the way so i thought nothing of it. then i get in my car put my key in and i look down and my radio is gone. then i think fuck where are my sunglasses cause normally they are sitting on my dash and i look up and those are gone. so now im pissed cause i just got that radio probably about two months ago cause the one i had in there before got stolen also but i was out of town and my roomate took my car to her boyfriends house and it got stolen there so to be nice her and her boyfriend brought me a new radio cause she felt bad. so now that one is gone which sucks cause i love that radio. then im driving to work and i call my mom to tell her what happened and she knowns somethings wrong just by me saying hi. so i tell her what happened then i start thinking fuck if they knew i had a nice stereo then maybe they knew i had a system in the back or maybe they have heard me coming down the street or something. so i get to work and my heart is pounding cause deep down i already know its gone. so i put my key in to open the trunk and sure enough its gone. i screamed at the top of my lungs FUCK and my mom is freaking out cause she doesnt know whats going on so i tell her and now shes pissed. that system was probably about 500 bucks cause the box was custom made the speakers where mtx and if you dont know what those are they are top of the line speakers and on top of that i had my brand new amp that i just bought, on that box so yeah i was pissed. i get into work luckly im opening so its only me in the store and i start to cry
i swear it just topped off my year or atleast the past few months. so for about two weeks now ive been driving around with no radio cause i cant afford to buy one right now and i cant ask my mom for money cause ive already asked enough from her. i remeber i use to love to get in my car and just drive to where ever and listen to the radio so loud that my ears would hurt. i swear it made me feel better and now i cant even do that. so yeah im hoping with the new year my life will start going up hill and not down. janurary im starting fresh with a clean slate(i hope) starting the first of the month i will only have one job (which is good cause two was killing me) it will be one year since ive been out of my parents house, i have a feeling 2005 is going to be so much better for me
well if i dont talk to you all before the new year i hope you all have a HAPPY FUCKIN NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take care be safe and dont do anything i wouldnt do(twice)

happy new year, i hope 2005 is a good year for you

happy new year!