hello all!!!! well what can i say things have been crazy with work and everything. my weekend was ok on friday i went out to my favorite club and saw my friend caren and a couple of other people i havent seen in a couple of weeks it was so much fun i was dancing and cheering my friend caren on as she danced on a box. there were so many people there it was just what i needed on a friday night. on saturday i just worked the whole damn day it wasnt to bad the day went by really fast so that made things much better. then on sunday i just worked in the morning and the bad thing about that was i was late to work cause i had to be there by 8 and i didnt get there untill 9 but the only reason why i slept in was cause i didnt get home from work untill 12 the night before so i was so tired. then i just went to my moms cause she was making cookies (like she does every year
) so i went there and passed out for a little bit then ate dinner and some cookies and went home watched "the L word" (my favorite show) then some other kick ass "lesbian" movies and passed out. this week is crazy i work so much i dont think i will be on again untill friday
but i just want to get though this week cause next week i have some BIG plans
also i got good news for this week on friday after work im getting my tree
im so happy about that cause this is the first year that im out on my own for xmas so i can get my own tree and next monday my car is going into the shop to get fixed FINALLY
well i hope everyone has a good week and hopefully ill be chatting with you all soon.


what club did you go too?
