yeah its almost friday!!!! not like it matters cause i still work the whole weekend
but i think i might go out on friday but i dont get off work untill 9 and it just depends on how tired i am. anyways i have to start xmas shopping like next week and i have no idea what to get anyone well thats not true cause i already have one present for someone but i swear i have no time and the funny thing is i work in a huge store filled with things to buy people for xmas. i just have to take like one or two days to just get it all. theres just not enough time in a day. well i hope everyone is having a good week and hope you all have a good weekend

my weekend is going ok other then this shitty rain. yeah!! not i might go out tonight not sure still debating it ok have fun

yeah i am bored my hubby went to a bbq so he says and i am stuck at home.