well what can i say things are ok. the new job is working out well, its just learning everything but otherwise its good. as far as everything else im still in the hole. i had to get my car smoged luckly it passed and the dmv wants money from me. then i got my phone bill
and then rent so yeah things arent really looking up right now. i had to borrow money from my mom and i hate doing that. then i found out yesterday that my brother quit his job just because he wanted to. which i dont understand and normally i would not even care but he owes me money. so yeah its good i have a job but bad cause my bills are catching up with me and i dont really have the money to take care of them and with christmas right around the corner i dont know what im going to do
cause i love buying gifts for people and not just one but 2 or 3 so this year is going to suck
so yeah anyways after looking over all my bills and figuring out what im paying it put in a downer mood cause yeah i dont have any money. i didnt even pay my bills my mom did and i hate that it makes me feel like a kid again, who cant take care of herself. so yeah im a little down right now and will probably be like that for like a year cause thats how long its going to take me to pay her back

I had to borrow money from the old man this week . . . yuck. Wasn't college supposed to MAKE us money once we finished it? I had more spending money when I was working 25 hours a week and going to school full-time . . . I don't get it!
I feel your pain!