well i wish i could say things are getting better but yeah there still the same
the weekend was cool i went to my friends house for her bday party it was cool she had a dj and a shit load of people there. it was crazy and i drank WAY TO MUCH and on top of that i didnt eat so yeah i
it sucked, not only did i get sick but to top it off i got sick in her room
which really sucks cause this is a girl that i like so yeah i felt really really bad. the good thing is she was cool about it and she said it was ok but that from now on she is going to make fun of me
so yeah that was my friday on saturday i just stayed with her and help her clean up her house cause yeah it was a mess. and sunday i just did a big fat nothing it was great. i cant belive monday is here, a lady from target was suppose to call me back today to tell me if i got the job but i never heard anything so im going to call tomorrow. i hope i get it i need money. i hate not working well mostly i hate not having money it sucks
well i guess time will tell so keep your fingers crossed

yay pretty girl!!!!!!!!

Ya romance is def my main motivation, I'm already buying stuff from lands end! this city girl is ready for some easy living!