well the weekend is over and now its time to get back to the grind stone
i hate mondays. my weekend wasnt to bad, friday went out with some friends to pacific beach it was fun
i got to drink cause i didnt drove but the bad thing is i drank to much and i started getting down on myself. i hate when that happens. saturday was cool i helped my mom buy a new truck. it is such a nice truck its huge and its lifted and my mom looks so cute in it
then i went out saturday night it was fun i went to the old part of san diego it was cool we ate at some mexican resturant that was all outside it was cool then we went to a club afterwards it was fun. on sunday one of my friends needed some help so i helped her out. lets just say she is not having the best of luck lately
but i told if she ever needed anything im always here for her
im like that with all my friends. my friends are my family and you take care of your family no matter what. so yeah that was my weekend nothing to big but still ok
i hope everyone has a good monday.

hey there you sexy bitcah!!!!!!!!!!! i had fun chatting with you today...you better be on here tomorrow!!! lol
