well the weekend is finally here
and i have no idea what im doing. i had another kick ass dream last night. it was cool i was making out with this girl that i really like. the thing that was different was that normally when i dream about someone i cant see their face, like i know who it is cause of the voice but when i look at their face it is all blurry. but this time i saw her face and it was her, another thing that is kind of weird is i had the same dream about 3 days ago. there was some differences but i made out with her in both dreams. i think my dreams are telling me something or at least i hope so
well i cant think of anything else to say so.... peace

Enjoy those dreams!
- J.
ps- yea.. like Jacinda said.. you need pics
i wanted to just swing in and say thank you... the beautiful words... everything hurts so much right now and im at a loss... but everyone here is so amazing...
and then you... not knowing me but from this little corner of the word... such sweet things to say. i just wanted to try to explain how much i appreciate it... there is hope here...