well its now monday again and my week is already starting bad of course my fucking car died on me this morning so that made me late to work which i hate
so that already set my mood. i even had a good weekend, on friday instead of going to my normal club like i always do i went somewhere else and watch a really good friend of mine be a gogo dancer which was cool cause she use to dance at my club but for some stupid reason they let her go so i dont get to see her as much as i use to
so when ever she dances at other clubs she calls me and lets me know
so it was cool i miss watching her do her thing cause the dancers they have at my club now suck
then on saturday i didnt go to work cause i didnt feel like
instead i went out to breakfast with some friends and ran around town all day it was cool then just went back home and relaxed. it was nice cause im so use to working on saturdays. i also heard from commited who i havent talk to on the phone for awhile so that was cool we just laughed our heads off most of the time. i swear she is the one person i can talk to about anything for hours and have the best time
and we always talk about the weirdest shit that sometimes only makes sense to us but those are sometimes the best talks you can have with someone. on sunday i just relaxed all day it was nice
so i just hope the rest of the week is good and not like today
so i hope everyone has a good day and week