Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. the day kind of sucked (well it was pretty good, im justa critical douche) but waking up to find lots of messages was cool.
I went and got the papers i need for the class to get my tattooing lisence :-), went to visit my grandma in the hospital (diverticulitous or something), blew some birthday money in victorias secret. Then me and my mom went into St. Marks cause i eat at the dojo every year on my birthday or the world implodes. went book shopping with my mom. then came back and went to my friend alicas house. We were getting drunk in her aparemtn attached to her parents house, and her mom fell and cut her face open so they had to go to the emergency room. crazyness! but i guess i was just disapointed i didnt get to a lot of teh stuff i planned.
Came home and watched joan of arc. which i want to watch again becuase its been stirring around in my brain all day.
Right now i need to get to work. I have 25 paintings due for class tommorow and i have to find my pot if i wanna keep focused. it could be worse, i just have to paint like 8x10 tumbnails of the same object over and over. still dont wanna do it
Wish me luck
random thought- i fucking love sugarcult. i havnt gotton the new cd, cause i based my veiw of it just on 'Memory' and thought the whole album was gonna suck. But i heard 'shes the blade ' and my love is rekindled. i used to go to there shows when i was a wee teenager, like 13, before then were even famous and go crazy. good times.
I went and got the papers i need for the class to get my tattooing lisence :-), went to visit my grandma in the hospital (diverticulitous or something), blew some birthday money in victorias secret. Then me and my mom went into St. Marks cause i eat at the dojo every year on my birthday or the world implodes. went book shopping with my mom. then came back and went to my friend alicas house. We were getting drunk in her aparemtn attached to her parents house, and her mom fell and cut her face open so they had to go to the emergency room. crazyness! but i guess i was just disapointed i didnt get to a lot of teh stuff i planned.
Came home and watched joan of arc. which i want to watch again becuase its been stirring around in my brain all day.
Right now i need to get to work. I have 25 paintings due for class tommorow and i have to find my pot if i wanna keep focused. it could be worse, i just have to paint like 8x10 tumbnails of the same object over and over. still dont wanna do it

Wish me luck
random thought- i fucking love sugarcult. i havnt gotton the new cd, cause i based my veiw of it just on 'Memory' and thought the whole album was gonna suck. But i heard 'shes the blade ' and my love is rekindled. i used to go to there shows when i was a wee teenager, like 13, before then were even famous and go crazy. good times.

I have had diverticulitis a few times it is very painful and possibly deadly. Glad you went to visit her in the hospital.