"Boys and girls in America have such a sad time together; sophistication demands that they submit to sex immediatly without proper preliminary talk. Not courting talk- real strait talk about souls, for life is holy and every moment is precious."
- Jack Kerouac 'On The Road'
Agree or disagree? Even if its just fucking around, should there be at least some connection or understanding or are you ok with just sex? I say this cause of been evaluating my past few flings and thinking about how badly i miss relationships. After a while, i just really need to be able to cuddle.
- Jack Kerouac 'On The Road'
Agree or disagree? Even if its just fucking around, should there be at least some connection or understanding or are you ok with just sex? I say this cause of been evaluating my past few flings and thinking about how badly i miss relationships. After a while, i just really need to be able to cuddle.
You rock !
as for sex ... what can I say
it means alot more to
some, then others.
Some monkeys engange in sex purly
for pleasure some even go so far as to oraly pleasure eachother.
other then primates sex serves simply as a means of reproducion, sex feeling good is only an encouraging side effect.
The fact that Humans can not only feel physical pleasure but also emotional pleasure is what sets us aprart from the animails is it not ?
Sure we could fornicate like animials
and get the job done of populating the earth ..... but isnt it much more satisfying to experiance the emotional pleasure of having a meaningful experiance ?
(my two cents)