SG, Hopefuls, members... what made you decide to join SuicideGirls? What is the thing you love about this community?
I remember I heard the term SuicideGirls when I was about 17/18 (this was like 11/12 years ago!) At that time, I was already modelling, but I was also living in the middle of nowhere, and the possibility for me to become a SuicideGirl was totally inexistent at that point. So I forgot about it, until recently. I've always had an alternative style to me and since 2018 I got into the world of tattoos, and then SuicideGirls came back into my mind... so I talked to my boyfriend about applying to be a model on the site. He talked to a friend of his who knew someone who was a SG, but all I got was "if you want to be a SG, be careful, it is really hard, and really time consuming. It can take years before you become one." So it was a bit discouraging, but after all my experience as a model, I just brushed it up and applied anyway....
And here I am now! I am really glad I decided to apply, even as a member and then as a hopeful, I made some friends along the way, and I grew to love this community so much! And now as a SG, I still want to do my best to stay active within the website.
How about you? What is your journey, SG, hopefuls, members?
Thank you @missy @rambo