pfft no more treats for my kid, for real.... you know i rarely make desert yeah he'll have fruit after hes done eating his dinner, but tonight i made jello with strawberrie pieces in it. he loved it of course, but he was done so i moved the tray from his high chair and he flipped out, i started cleaning him he was thrashing his head back and forth he really doesnt like to get cleaned hand kinda moved infront of his mouth while i was cleaning his face off, and hes never bit me before, but he all of a sudden had this rotten urge to do so, and i moved my hand down while i was still cleaning and it was kinda sitting on his hand and he goes for the bite, i move my hand out of his teeth way, and he clenches onto his arm, and he had a hold on it for about 5 seconds till he realized it was his arm he was biting rather than mine...i laughed couldnt help it, maybe he wont bite me ever since he realized it hurts....he actually is a good kid spite the past couple of days, i think its just cause i've been home with him for 4 days straight, i'm normally at school or something. but he can be really sweet, heres another story, today he was pulling the sheet off his mattress he does this when its nap time or bed time, and i went to get his butt, and he came over to me with a look in his face, and he took his hand and patted my head and hugged me, he is so silly and i guess hes getting into the terrible twos even tho hes only 1 1/2 i think its starting early....*siiiiiiigh*
anyways a cute picture of him eating strawberries from earlier, looks like he slaughtered a small mammal or something...

anyways a cute picture of him eating strawberries from earlier, looks like he slaughtered a small mammal or something...

This is who you're looking for. Newbie!
That chest piece is too recognizable. If you need any help in the future, let me know.