Happy to be sitting here, sipping coffee, and commenting on all these lovely sets! Recently cut ties with an extremely negative influence in my life and it feels awesome. From me reaching out to her and wanting to become friends, turned into a nightmare. I had began to distance myself from her and her craziness as it drained my energy. She did not like this...
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Really strange how I have not been craving sweets the past few months. Normally I cant get enough of the stuff and always make brownies, cookies, cupcakes etc . I have very little desire for my sweet treats. I've noticed I lost a few pounds because of this change in diet and it's weird af. Even finishing meals seems difficult sometimes or I get full...
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Fun cold weather shoot my husband and I did at home. Makeup by Marci Wardana (Chic by Marci) I named the set "Special Ingredient" because of the shirt I am wearing. One of my favorite B movies I rented as a kid,"Motel Hell", is depicted on my tee. If you have seen the movie or not it's a corny low budget horror flick where a...
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