Fresh out of was a comfortable rock but I'm glad to be out. Getting caught up on all the partying I've missed for the past century; it's coming along pretty good...
Gentleman_Loser makes the best vegan carrot cake, some mean seytan, and kick-ass gumbo! My birthday was pretty uneventful up until the night of cake and dinner...I received a birthday card from my grandparents in the mail a couple of weeks ago but other than that it's been extremely under the radar...I had class and a French exam that day...didn't do anything and didndt get any presents. Not that I wanted or expected anything, I just asked for an atlas but there was no sense in shipping it all the way here when I'd be bringing it back in a few weeks...
Thursday was staff party and that was awesome...we worked that night but finished early and got started on bigger priorities, like drinking. Who knew? Afterwards I went to J's for some tea and he read me some of his poetry from back in the day. I ended up walking myself home around 5am so I had to call him when I got home. I thnik that's the first person to tell me that other than my mom! It felt nice though
Shaughn's going away party was sick, close to 200 ppl but I dont know where we put them...the people from the bar across the street wanted to come up (I guess their's wasnt too exciting...within an hour all the yuppies from next door ditched their thing to come over...). But yeah, t'was a loft studio in the Old Port, sweet dj's, cops came eventually but it was handled fine and lasted long into the night...
Aaaand now I'm here with a half-headache and wanting to go to sleep but the sun is too bright and I need a shower...
Gentleman_Loser makes the best vegan carrot cake, some mean seytan, and kick-ass gumbo! My birthday was pretty uneventful up until the night of cake and dinner...I received a birthday card from my grandparents in the mail a couple of weeks ago but other than that it's been extremely under the radar...I had class and a French exam that day...didn't do anything and didndt get any presents. Not that I wanted or expected anything, I just asked for an atlas but there was no sense in shipping it all the way here when I'd be bringing it back in a few weeks...
Thursday was staff party and that was awesome...we worked that night but finished early and got started on bigger priorities, like drinking. Who knew? Afterwards I went to J's for some tea and he read me some of his poetry from back in the day. I ended up walking myself home around 5am so I had to call him when I got home. I thnik that's the first person to tell me that other than my mom! It felt nice though

Shaughn's going away party was sick, close to 200 ppl but I dont know where we put them...the people from the bar across the street wanted to come up (I guess their's wasnt too exciting...within an hour all the yuppies from next door ditched their thing to come over...). But yeah, t'was a loft studio in the Old Port, sweet dj's, cops came eventually but it was handled fine and lasted long into the night...
Aaaand now I'm here with a half-headache and wanting to go to sleep but the sun is too bright and I need a shower...
But I'm sur e we can put you to work chopping carrots or something
Heh, I'm glad you got to enjoy the last bit of cake.