Oh man OH MAN, I just got a care package from my parents this morning!!! Damn it was awesome:
- two huge bags of trail mix..it's all I ate today up until a half hour ago where I decided I should actually eat some food...
- tons of kitchen stuff: knife, knife sharpener, spices, cupcake papers?!, scouring pads, steel wool, carrot peeler, nutmeg grater, regular grater, little glass containers to put spices in, sea salt x 3, some cake icing piping ends (my mom clearly cleaned out our kitchen and gave me stuff she doesn't ever use), etc etc
-raisins! M&Ms! freakin' popcorn! - which was awesome because I was shopping the other day and wanted to buy popcorn but I decided to wait until next time. And now, popcorn in the mail. DOES this rock or what.
- some pictures of my family, where my brother isn't smiling in any of them. He's 6'4", and can hurt many people if he wants to...in every picture he was giving that classic "I'mma fucken kill you" look
- some tea I left behind, a tea pot
- picture frame
- some crazy wacky butter keeper that according to my mom is supposed to be the best thing ever
- some seriously strange mitten gloves...they're made of that super soft material that looks all shreddy and fluffy? kinda? I dunno, apparently theyre supposed to remind me of Luppy's paws, but they more so remind me of a crazy Michael Jackson glove...
-some strangely huge bobbles...now I usually don't do hair accessories, but I did have a bobble phaze a few months ago where I had my hair up. But those were black bobbles. These are pink and purple and...well, I'll give 'em a go, but they may not stay too long...
- and many other things, including a picture of Luppy aka. the best cat ever.
Now here's a one-sided rant for ya:
Okay, now you have to understand here, regardless of any alternative opinion, Luppy is THE most awesome cat. ever. period. Coray backs me up on this one (you know it). First, he's soft, fluffy and grey. Secondly, he has cat pants, and he always ends up tracking in snow, pine cones, or burrs on them. Thirdly, he has a giant huge red heart collar tag, because my dad bought a dog's tag instead of a cat's and it suits him perfectly. Fourth(ly?) he LOVES to love. And loves being loved. All the time. And last, but by no means least, he begs. Or prays, or whatever you want to call it. He gets up on his hind legs and puts his paws together like he's begging, it's incredibly adorable and I've only seen one other cat do that before. And that cat ran away and probably isn't around anymore, so by disqualification, Luppy rocks the most. This is Luppy in a picture my mom took and sent to me. He's beggin', he's awesome, and I really really miss him.

- two huge bags of trail mix..it's all I ate today up until a half hour ago where I decided I should actually eat some food...
- tons of kitchen stuff: knife, knife sharpener, spices, cupcake papers?!, scouring pads, steel wool, carrot peeler, nutmeg grater, regular grater, little glass containers to put spices in, sea salt x 3, some cake icing piping ends (my mom clearly cleaned out our kitchen and gave me stuff she doesn't ever use), etc etc
-raisins! M&Ms! freakin' popcorn! - which was awesome because I was shopping the other day and wanted to buy popcorn but I decided to wait until next time. And now, popcorn in the mail. DOES this rock or what.
- some pictures of my family, where my brother isn't smiling in any of them. He's 6'4", and can hurt many people if he wants to...in every picture he was giving that classic "I'mma fucken kill you" look
- some tea I left behind, a tea pot
- picture frame
- some crazy wacky butter keeper that according to my mom is supposed to be the best thing ever
- some seriously strange mitten gloves...they're made of that super soft material that looks all shreddy and fluffy? kinda? I dunno, apparently theyre supposed to remind me of Luppy's paws, but they more so remind me of a crazy Michael Jackson glove...
-some strangely huge bobbles...now I usually don't do hair accessories, but I did have a bobble phaze a few months ago where I had my hair up. But those were black bobbles. These are pink and purple and...well, I'll give 'em a go, but they may not stay too long...
- and many other things, including a picture of Luppy aka. the best cat ever.
Now here's a one-sided rant for ya:
Okay, now you have to understand here, regardless of any alternative opinion, Luppy is THE most awesome cat. ever. period. Coray backs me up on this one (you know it). First, he's soft, fluffy and grey. Secondly, he has cat pants, and he always ends up tracking in snow, pine cones, or burrs on them. Thirdly, he has a giant huge red heart collar tag, because my dad bought a dog's tag instead of a cat's and it suits him perfectly. Fourth(ly?) he LOVES to love. And loves being loved. All the time. And last, but by no means least, he begs. Or prays, or whatever you want to call it. He gets up on his hind legs and puts his paws together like he's begging, it's incredibly adorable and I've only seen one other cat do that before. And that cat ran away and probably isn't around anymore, so by disqualification, Luppy rocks the most. This is Luppy in a picture my mom took and sent to me. He's beggin', he's awesome, and I really really miss him.

Yeah, satuday would be good.....Lemme know when you finish workie.
We can definetely find you some good fruits + veggies ...And maybe some spices for those spice jars you now have :-)