And, and, and, this one pic that I forgot to attach w/ the others!!! which I like a lot...And I just ordered a new Dell laptop, Duncan got me a nice deal, and I'm getting a camera, I hope the new Sony T30!!!!??, and we're leaving for Shambhala on the 7th, we don't know when we're comin back, and I probably won't have the camera by then, b/c eBay takes FOREVS, and I came home from work and SETH CALLED!!! we're hanging out tomorrow night, then Nic called and he was fixing his garbage can/swearing in Quebecois, hilarious, just finished typing a resume for my MOM, and I went for a trail ride today w/ Jayme, Ric, Sheila, Tarzan and my lovely Prince!! We found this abandoned house that a baker used to own that he built for a mail order bride that never came, so Jayme and I totally went inside to scope it out, it was cool! And 6 weeks from now I'll be living w/ some French stranger, and I work a double tomorrow, and I came in an hour late today not knowing it which makes me look like a douche bag but I don't care, and and and...I have so much on my mind and it's not going to end any time soon...I need to go riding more often, Bandit and I had a nose-to-nose moment this morning...he was sleepy, I was sleepy, so we nosed...
OKayYeah! Picture balcony STAIRSWOOO!!!

OKayYeah! Picture balcony STAIRSWOOO!!!