Ah, so, another busy yet productive day. This afternoon I hung some laundry on the line, housecleaning, just all around stuff that needed to be done and it was beautiful day. Duncan came and got me and we went for dinner, that was nice, I always got along with him...then we went FutureShopping for camaras and laptops!! - it was fun! I have a pretty good idea of what I want now and what to spend , but I'm mostly excited for the camera...I will have it by the end of July probably so I can take it to BC with me in August-- can't wait to take pictures for Shambhala (pending everything goes well and Bri has the tickets and we're still giong!??!)...So yeah, we looked at a bunch of cool toys and so hopefully I'll find something by the end of the month...nervous though; still worried about money and tuition - I think I need to save more money but today and Friday is pay day so that should make things look up...
And apartment searching is going well, but stressful...I have found a really charming place, beautiful area, quiet and residential, but I think it's a litlte too far from the ideal area where I want to be. Loic, the person I've been coresponding with is leaving, and needs someone to take his place w/ his other roommate...who I haven't even talked to! Funny I'm talking to one person, the one moving away so I don't know much of what Nicolas is like...Loic is venturing to northern Quebec to paint and hopefuly open his own exhibition some day. Still talking to quite a few ppl...open options, but I seem to keep coming back to this place...just giving me a really good vibe...
And apartment searching is going well, but stressful...I have found a really charming place, beautiful area, quiet and residential, but I think it's a litlte too far from the ideal area where I want to be. Loic, the person I've been coresponding with is leaving, and needs someone to take his place w/ his other roommate...who I haven't even talked to! Funny I'm talking to one person, the one moving away so I don't know much of what Nicolas is like...Loic is venturing to northern Quebec to paint and hopefuly open his own exhibition some day. Still talking to quite a few ppl...open options, but I seem to keep coming back to this place...just giving me a really good vibe...