Today's been great so far: I went for my riding lesson and it went so freakin' well...Prince was being pretty good and Shiela let me ride him around the arena by myself while she left to tend to other things after the lesson. I put him into a trot and threw up my arms to do some calaesthetics and Jayme happened to pass by and see me - she's loving my progress and is happy I'm back out again
...apparently the (morbidly) obese Ralph is still a big rolley-poley cat so she said I have to come by and look at his progess...and by progress she meant considerable weight gain.
Every time I did a lap around the arena there'd be a *zoom!* going by...yep, the terrible two, Heather and Celyne cruising on the Powerwheels Jeep...they kept trying to ATV it into the gravel, bustin' out of this and that, it was pretty amusing. I haven't seen Celyne for a long, long time. She recognized me but was, as usual, Miss Super-shyness...
The little philly and colt are both doing really well, being all little and awesome, but the third foal isn't born yet! I was so sure she would have given birth by now, since she's over a year and regular pregnancies in horses are 11 months. Sheila said she'll call me if her mare starts going into labour, and if I don't have a vehicle to get out there, I'm so hitchhiking!!!

Every time I did a lap around the arena there'd be a *zoom!* going by...yep, the terrible two, Heather and Celyne cruising on the Powerwheels Jeep...they kept trying to ATV it into the gravel, bustin' out of this and that, it was pretty amusing. I haven't seen Celyne for a long, long time. She recognized me but was, as usual, Miss Super-shyness...
The little philly and colt are both doing really well, being all little and awesome, but the third foal isn't born yet! I was so sure she would have given birth by now, since she's over a year and regular pregnancies in horses are 11 months. Sheila said she'll call me if her mare starts going into labour, and if I don't have a vehicle to get out there, I'm so hitchhiking!!!