Feeling pretty down lately...My current workplace is bugging me w/ new management, new policies, and coworkers that just rub me the wrong way with their judgements and mean attitudes...
Steve and I are doing okay, but I'm afraid that he probably feels much better about us than I do...I don't know what to do/say but I think I'll have to say something before it's too late. School is still up in the air. I don't know where I'm going yet or how I'm going to have even half of the money for it. I'm having a difficult time finding a second job, but I'll admit I only handed out 5 resumes so I shouldn't complain about my poor outcome...I think I'm just going to go work at a call center. Nobody's sent me anything to confirm my 100% official "in" at Concordia (altough I'm told my chances are good b/c I got accepted into the Journalism department - and not Concordia U. itself - which is apparently harder than getting into the actual school) or Carleton yet, I still haven't declined acceptance from TRU in Kamloops and I feel terrible...
The job at the gas station fell through. I was really excited about it but for some reason didn't 100% feel certain that I was going to work there. I guess I called that one...
Cory left yesterday. I really, truly wanted to avoid the good-bye, because I knew it would hurt. But you can't NOT say good-bye; our friendship deserves more than that. I was also worried that not having closure might've been even worse and I didn't want to take any chances. I feel like I'm back to square one again..well maybe not that far back, but possibly square 3 or 4... I want heart surgery. The kind where they remove yours but don't put in another one to replace it...
The other day I had trouble fitting my debit card into one of my wallet sleeves. So I managed to pull a litlte piece of something out, squished into the bottom: In my wallet, after 9 months, I found a little crumpled up piece of paper with "729E" on it. 9 MONTHS it managed to somehow stay in my wallet without me even being aware. That little piece of paper was carried unknowlingly from half way around the world, back in August of last year, and was the entrance code to Downtown City Backpackers hostel in Sydney, Australia.
Steve and I are doing okay, but I'm afraid that he probably feels much better about us than I do...I don't know what to do/say but I think I'll have to say something before it's too late. School is still up in the air. I don't know where I'm going yet or how I'm going to have even half of the money for it. I'm having a difficult time finding a second job, but I'll admit I only handed out 5 resumes so I shouldn't complain about my poor outcome...I think I'm just going to go work at a call center. Nobody's sent me anything to confirm my 100% official "in" at Concordia (altough I'm told my chances are good b/c I got accepted into the Journalism department - and not Concordia U. itself - which is apparently harder than getting into the actual school) or Carleton yet, I still haven't declined acceptance from TRU in Kamloops and I feel terrible...
The job at the gas station fell through. I was really excited about it but for some reason didn't 100% feel certain that I was going to work there. I guess I called that one...
Cory left yesterday. I really, truly wanted to avoid the good-bye, because I knew it would hurt. But you can't NOT say good-bye; our friendship deserves more than that. I was also worried that not having closure might've been even worse and I didn't want to take any chances. I feel like I'm back to square one again..well maybe not that far back, but possibly square 3 or 4... I want heart surgery. The kind where they remove yours but don't put in another one to replace it...
The other day I had trouble fitting my debit card into one of my wallet sleeves. So I managed to pull a litlte piece of something out, squished into the bottom: In my wallet, after 9 months, I found a little crumpled up piece of paper with "729E" on it. 9 MONTHS it managed to somehow stay in my wallet without me even being aware. That little piece of paper was carried unknowlingly from half way around the world, back in August of last year, and was the entrance code to Downtown City Backpackers hostel in Sydney, Australia.