Exam went well, a little better than I had expected, so it got my hopes up for a half-decent mark. I wrote the essay pretty quickly but I think I got in just about everything I wanted to say...
So today was another gorgeous day. After the exam I met up with a couple friends and we had lunch at my place, played with Luppy, had a nice afternoon session...Felt like driving so we of course stopped by Ryans, and went out and around the town up to Twin City crossroads and found some crazy deserted truck road that led to nowhere, ran around there for a bit, I climbed a gravel mountain! came home, took a 5 hour nap!! And now I'm all awake so luckily Jim and Andrew are coming to save me...they should be here soon - I can't believe I didn't go out all night, only to leave at 2am and of course, work tomorrow 9:30-6....worst time management ever...
So today was another gorgeous day. After the exam I met up with a couple friends and we had lunch at my place, played with Luppy, had a nice afternoon session...Felt like driving so we of course stopped by Ryans, and went out and around the town up to Twin City crossroads and found some crazy deserted truck road that led to nowhere, ran around there for a bit, I climbed a gravel mountain! came home, took a 5 hour nap!! And now I'm all awake so luckily Jim and Andrew are coming to save me...they should be here soon - I can't believe I didn't go out all night, only to leave at 2am and of course, work tomorrow 9:30-6....worst time management ever...