Matt took me to the emergency room last night. I was so sick all I could do was cry. So he's like...we're going. So they took like 60 and 1/2 vials of blood to test for mono...then a throat culture. Popped me some pain meds that later made me barf repeatedly like usual. So they come back like an hour later to tell me that I don't have mono. But a horribly bad case of strep throat and I'm was way overly dehydrated. Cool. Not. So I had to stay for about another hour or so, so they could jab another thing in my arm and give me an IV just to rehydrate me so I didn't die. When that was over I got to leave...then proceeded to barf in the hospital bathroom. (I don't remember eating anything green...) Ick.
Went home...ate some salad. Barfed that up. Been drinking water like a bastard. Can't sleep..It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm hungry and I feel like I'm still gonna puke. Lucky me.
Sick as Death, Jenna
Went home...ate some salad. Barfed that up. Been drinking water like a bastard. Can't sleep..It's 5:30 in the morning and I'm hungry and I feel like I'm still gonna puke. Lucky me.
Sick as Death, Jenna

get well soon lurgies.