I don't think I've been this sick since I got the flu in first grade and I had a temperature of 101, and my parents let me stay home and watch Pee Wee's Big Adventure in the comfy blue reclinging chair.
I'm radiating heat like a little furnace...I feel like death. Blah.
Good thing I have a boy toy to take care of me. He's out getting stuff for me cause I can't really stand up...I've been sleeping all day. You know I'm sick when I can actually sleep. I never sleep.
Dear Flu,
You suck...get out of my body.
Love, Jenna
I'm radiating heat like a little furnace...I feel like death. Blah.
Good thing I have a boy toy to take care of me. He's out getting stuff for me cause I can't really stand up...I've been sleeping all day. You know I'm sick when I can actually sleep. I never sleep.
Dear Flu,
You suck...get out of my body.
Love, Jenna

I think if we got all stealth like and sneak up on the flu, that we could jump it and kick it's ass.
drink some juice! that shis is delicious. mmmmm. tangerine juice!!!
and lots of water, you'll pee every ten minutes, but you'll rinse the sick out of your system like watered down manic panic in the hair you used to have. hahahaa.
shave that shit off, and rock ghetto wigs. thatd be the most awesome ever. and come up here and get tattooed when youre better. did you see stephs?
get well now.