Guess who's getting another doggie?
JP got a loose animal call last night, and that this loose animal had trapped two people in their car because he was so mean. What JP found was a gangly black lab puppy. He's about 9 months old...the age where they have the really clumsy walk...and he's incredibly lovable. The people that called about him were just freaks.
Anyway, he got taken to animal control, and they have to hold him until tomorrow to see if anyone will claim him. If no one claims him by 5 pm tomorrow, we get to have him.
He'll spend the first week camping out at my parent's house, because he's a boy and Alley is a girl and neither of them are fixed. Alley is going in to get fixed on Thursday, which means we'll get to bring our big boy (affectionately being called "Gus", as it sounds like a gangly, clumsy puppy name) home on Saturday.
Of course, this is all subject to change if someone comes to claim him. Last night, when I saw him, he was very clean- no fleas or ticks- so he's obviously been taken care of. The Animal Control people said that usually if someone wants their dog back, they come looking for them within 24 hours, and no one has come for him. They seem to think that, given his age and his breed, that he may have just gotten too hyper for his owners, and they did the inhumane thing by just dumping him off in a parking lot. While I hate people for being like that, I'm excited of the possibility of having another doggie.
Target called me today. I gotta go for the big drug test tomorrow morning. No biggie, other than the early appointment time. I'll be making $9.75 an hour until I'm trained, then I get a raise based on how well I'm doing. This is $2.00 more than what I was making at Sears. And, so they tell me, Target is a hands-on apprehension facility (meaning I get to fight) and the store I'll be at has a very low instance of shoplifting (meaning ti'll be pretty cush). Woo hoo!
Now I have nothing to do but relax until Sept. 12th. Well, aside from school...
Which brings me to the next topic. School. They tell me I'm far too late to get full aid this semester, so I'm going to drop down to just taking two classes and then taking 18 hours in the Spring. Hopefully, that will leave me with just one summer class to take to graduate...which means I'll still get y diploma in May- it just won't be valid until I complete that summer course. Still, I hate spending 3 grand on two classes when last semester I spent 3 grand on the whole semester, but if they're not willing to help and I can't afford what they want me to do, I don't have much choice in the matter.
I've been downloading music I've never heard before. So far, I've gotten songs from : Electralane, British Sea Power, Spoon, Built Like Alaska, The Ponys, At the Drive In, Tom Waits, and Bloc Party. I'm also taking more suggestions.
In an attempt to expand my ever growing musical tastes, which will then serve to expand my cousin's musical tastes, suggest anything you think I may not have heard before. :0)
Alright, ya'll, my head hurts, so this is it. I fear I was far more interesting when my life was more dramatic. Sorry I'm so boring!!
JP got a loose animal call last night, and that this loose animal had trapped two people in their car because he was so mean. What JP found was a gangly black lab puppy. He's about 9 months old...the age where they have the really clumsy walk...and he's incredibly lovable. The people that called about him were just freaks.

He'll spend the first week camping out at my parent's house, because he's a boy and Alley is a girl and neither of them are fixed. Alley is going in to get fixed on Thursday, which means we'll get to bring our big boy (affectionately being called "Gus", as it sounds like a gangly, clumsy puppy name) home on Saturday.
Of course, this is all subject to change if someone comes to claim him. Last night, when I saw him, he was very clean- no fleas or ticks- so he's obviously been taken care of. The Animal Control people said that usually if someone wants their dog back, they come looking for them within 24 hours, and no one has come for him. They seem to think that, given his age and his breed, that he may have just gotten too hyper for his owners, and they did the inhumane thing by just dumping him off in a parking lot. While I hate people for being like that, I'm excited of the possibility of having another doggie.
Target called me today. I gotta go for the big drug test tomorrow morning. No biggie, other than the early appointment time. I'll be making $9.75 an hour until I'm trained, then I get a raise based on how well I'm doing. This is $2.00 more than what I was making at Sears. And, so they tell me, Target is a hands-on apprehension facility (meaning I get to fight) and the store I'll be at has a very low instance of shoplifting (meaning ti'll be pretty cush). Woo hoo!
Now I have nothing to do but relax until Sept. 12th. Well, aside from school...
Which brings me to the next topic. School. They tell me I'm far too late to get full aid this semester, so I'm going to drop down to just taking two classes and then taking 18 hours in the Spring. Hopefully, that will leave me with just one summer class to take to graduate...which means I'll still get y diploma in May- it just won't be valid until I complete that summer course. Still, I hate spending 3 grand on two classes when last semester I spent 3 grand on the whole semester, but if they're not willing to help and I can't afford what they want me to do, I don't have much choice in the matter.
I've been downloading music I've never heard before. So far, I've gotten songs from : Electralane, British Sea Power, Spoon, Built Like Alaska, The Ponys, At the Drive In, Tom Waits, and Bloc Party. I'm also taking more suggestions.

Alright, ya'll, my head hurts, so this is it. I fear I was far more interesting when my life was more dramatic. Sorry I'm so boring!!

Calexico and Carbon Leaf
Tune into Radio Paradise and you'll hear lots of good stuff you will want.
Did you get your puppy? I can't believe people would do that. I mean I believe it but I don't want to.
Good luck on your job!
And wohoo for working at Target!! lol.